🔷 Hello! Welcome to my auction!! All lions here are from my den 🔷
Online Status: On and Off random times
Timezone:1 hour behind LD time
News: if things are slow I'll send Lions out faster
1. Do not bid what you don't have❗❗
2. I don't accept bids in PM❗
3. Please be patient if i'm not online, i log in everyday each hour possible
4. Don't fight! I know it can be stressful at times, but always be kind to each other
5. None of these lions are adults, in case they become adult and have a bid, in its first day of heat it will immediately be given to who Current Bid on Her
6.The day after or on the (6th Day) The person who wins the lion will have 48 h the day after to accept the private trade. If for some reason the winner doesn't accept the trade, within the set time, the trade will be sent to the person who bid before them.
7. In the last day for their bid 6th (Final) day at 9:30pm Lioden time you will no longer be able to bid near the last hours as i will send trades❗
8. In case people bid the same amount when I'm offline it will go to the first person who bid the amount
9. Bids end in 6 Days the moment bid starts
10. You are allowed to bid Multiple
11. If a current bid goes above autobuy then autobuy no longer works
12.If a Cub turns 1 yr and 2 months old the bid for them will last only 1 day :)
1 = 1000 (I know the market fluctuates, but it's just easier this way.)
- The poses match their personality
- Poses do not come with the lions
- If a lion gets AB I'll set the private trade once weaned
- If a lion at 2 years doesn't get any bids I'll Chase or Nature Reserve them
- Please note that the lions will come with the NATURAL markings, the 100% opacity portrait is for better view of the markings ONLY
-If any Beauties are born who are clean there is a high chance they will be put here ;)
-Donations of any nesting material is appreciated
Item Payments:
Some may change or may not accept for muties :>
(Might add more later on)