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Posted by | type 1 diabetes |
giffi0 (#238099) View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-12-18 20:33:48 |
hihi, ive just come up with this and wanted opinions on it " but isnt type 1 diabetes a human-only thing?!" you may be asking, but no, actually T1D can actually occur in almost every species. now, this mutation will be a lethal, due to lions not having access to insulin in the wild. im thinking the chance of this mutation occuring could be about 1 in every 10000(ish) cubs. the lion would die at about 1 year and 8 months from the mutation. when a cub with said mutation is born, in the " mutation " slot it would say " Type 1 Diabetes ", even though you cannot see the signs, it will show up. a few possible flavor texts could be, cub young: " you notice (cub's name) is eating more than other cubs its age. you pat (his/her) head and tell them they'll grow up big and strong." " you cannot find (cub's name), and when you go looking for them, it turns out they are just at the watering hole. again. silly cub, you gave me a heart attack!" cub: " (cub name) is eating alot and drinking alot of water, but they continue loosing weight. they also seem frailer than other cubs, not having formed much muscle." " (cub name) whines to you about how they are so hungry. you sooth them and tell them you'll find something for them to eat. odd, they have been eating all day." " (cub name) is often seen lying around panting, only getting up to eat, get water and go to the bathroom. you feel bad for (cub name)." adol(male and female): "(name) is seen lying around. they say they dont have the energy and are really tired. but a few minutes later they are getting up to get water, again. odd." " these days (name) is seen lying around most of the time. your other pride members have managed to get them up to play only a few times, but they can only withhold about 30 minutes before they need more rest." (adols wouldnt be able to patrol/hunt) death message: " (cub name) died last night from their mutation." (if i come up with better ideas for the death message ill update) T1D would cause a lion to loose hunger and mood alot faster than other lions. thats all i have today, here are the images i think would show as a art change. •IMAGES TBA thank you for reading. :)) |
FROZEN | CONTACT SIDE (#208511) View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-12-18 22:54:28 |
im not inherently opposed (i had a cat with t1d!) but what sort of art change would we be looking at? when it comes to sad baby trophies, i think a lot of the appeal is the different lineart. i see your images tba, but i was wondering what you're thinking! 0 players like this post! Like? |
giffi0 (#238099)
View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-12-18 22:59:20 |
i was thinking for cub young itd just be the stomach more in! with cub itd be a little cheekbone showing and stomach in w/ little muscle on the arms/legs. with adols itd be a sickly look, little to no muscle anywhere and ribs+spine jutting out. or even that with a new pose of the adol laying down/sitting. im open to ideas though! 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 18/12/22 @ 23:22:19 by giffi0 (#238099) |
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