Pantherpaws (G2 PIE
EBONY RLC) (#353145)

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Posted on
2022-12-20 10:39:19

Welcome to Glaciers Adoption Cave!

Glacier is busy working with the cubs and Adols. But i'm here in his place! I'm Snuggles! I'll give you the basic rundown!

Cave link:

Click the den to go straight to Glaciers cave!


Don't worry! The rules are quick and simple! You can also read them in the den!

1. No killing, Abandoning, Chasing, Foddering etc. If you need to get rid of them you can give them away for free (With the same rules), send them back or sell them!

2. If you see a Rosette, Special base or mutie its probably a mistake! Please message me and let me know!

3. You can change everything you want about them! The names and personalitys are just to increase adoption! (Hopefully)

4. At 1 year 11 months i'll chase females and abandon males. Before that i'll do special ads with only the ones about to age up!

5. Put "Glacier" In your message subject! Anything else and you'll be ignored!

6. Don't be rude! Easy as that!

7. You must have space! If you don't have space i'll ask you to make some! And to adopt a male adol you MUST either tell me you'll sex change them or have 1 male slot avalible!

8. Your lions have to be well fed and played with! If you have more than 3-10 starving lions (Depending on your prides size) I won't give them to you!

9. You can't have lions about to leave due to lack of space! I want all these guys to be well cared for and loved!

10. Take care of them! Thye deserve loving homes!

Choice Lions!

These are changed (If i can remember) Daily! So check in to see who the five choice lions will be tomorrow!

Lion #1:


Lion #2:


Lion #3:


Lion #4:


Lion #5:

Burning Flame


Anyone who is sweet enough to donate will get a shoutout here! Make sure to show everyone here some love! Say if your visting in december maybe you can gift/poop them! Not required obv but it would be nice!


List of Donos!:



Specific name colors mean different things! So here they are!

Black Names mean they donated something worth 100sb or under!

Dark blue Names mean they donated something worth 200sb-400sb!

Blue Names mean they donated something worth 500sb-700sb!

Aqua Names mean they donated something worth 800sb-1000sb!

Teal Names mean they donated something worth 1100-1500sb!

Seafoam Names mean they donated something worth 1600-2000sb!

Purple Names mean they donated something worth 2000sb+!

Any and all donations help but here are the BEST things you could donate to help me out!

Toy and Food bundles. (worth 100sb each)

Hornbill Majordomo (worth 250sb)

Explore Decor (50sb each)

ANY sb or GB (Sb worth 1sb each and Gb with 1000sb each)

PM me to become a Dono! Please do NOT just send stuff!

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Edited on 21/12/22 @ 07:38:41 by PantherPaws (He/They/it/cat) (#353145)

Cocomelon (#312741)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-20 12:56:50
Could I get stary sky:
Also the lions I keep are in new cave and the ones in unsorted I don’t care for and I do not count them as my lions.
Last thing my lions are hungry cause I’m tryna hunt.

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Pantherpaws (G2 PIE
EBONY RLC) (#353145)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-20 13:47:12
Alr! I'll send her rn!

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