Posted by Incuneko Corner [CS -- WIP]

❥ M1STAKES [g1
stellar mott] (#63640)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-24 02:48:13
Info & Welcome post for Incunkeo here...

How to get an Incu...
Auctions, Flatsales, and Gachas
Incunekos that are pre-designed and ready for purchase may show up at any time. These may be purchased by anyone unless specified otherwise.
MYO Tickets and Breeding
By purchasing a MYO Ticket, you are able to create your own Incuneko with all common traits. Additional traits come with small fees.

There is also the option to breed two or more Incuneko together to make a small litter of kits! By default only one kit is created, with the very rare chance at twins. Items to guarantee additional kits can be purchased.

Waiting for a home...
Auctions & Flatsale
There's no one here!

A swirling orb of red and yellow sand. It's silent today. It seems no one is home.

0/0 Available
One Pull is 15

Creating more...

The process in which two or more Incunekos produce offspring. It's a laborious task, and can drain on the life of an Incuneko if bred too much, too often!

$15 - 30gb per kit
-$5 - 10gb per additional kit in a litter!
MYO Tickets

A roll of tickets is laying on the table. It's a little stained, but it should work just fine.

Common MYO // $15 - 30gb
+ Uncommon Trait // +$5 - 10gb
+ Rare Trait // +$10 - 20gb
+ Very Rare Trait // +$15 - 30gb
+ Legendary Trait // +$20 - 40gb

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Edited on 04/01/23 @ 16:17:20 by ❥ M1STAKES [Interstellar mott] (#63640)

❥ M1STAKES [g1
stellar mott] (#63640)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-24 02:49:43

How to get an Incu...
Auctions, Flatsales, and Gachas
Incunekos that are pre-designed and ready for purchase may show up at any time. These may be purchased by anyone unless specified otherwise.
MYO Tickets and Breeding
By purchasing a MYO Ticket, you are able to create your own Incuneko with all common traits. Additional traits come with small fees.

There is also the option to breed two or more Incuneko together to make a small litter of kits! By default only one kit is created, with the very rare chance at twins. Items to guarantee additional kits can be purchased.

Waiting for a home...
Auctions & Flatsale
There's no one here!

A swirling orb of red and yellow sand. It's silent today. It seems no one is home.

0/0 Available
One Pull is $10 / 20

Creating more...

The process in which two or more Incunekos produce offspring. It's a laborious task, and can drain on the life of an Incuneko if bred too much, too often!

$15 - 30 per breeding
Additional Items

Lucky Coin - Increase the likelihood of twins. // $5 - 10

Black Cat's Favor - Sacrifice your chance at twins to increase odds at traits the parents lack.
MYO Tickets

A roll of tickets is laying on the table. It's a little stained, but it should work just fine.

Common MYO // $15 - 30
+ Uncommon Trait // +$5 - 10
+ Rare Trait // +$10 - 20
+ Very Rare Trait // +$15 - 30
+ Legendary Trait // +$20 - 40

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Edited on 04/01/23 @ 15:51:01 by ❥ M1STAKES [Interstellar mott] (#63640)

❥ M1STAKES [g1
stellar mott] (#63640)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-24 02:49:49
Masterlist post here...

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❥ M1STAKES [g1
stellar mott] (#63640)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-24 02:49:56
Staff and Guest Artist list here...

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Edited on 24/12/22 @ 02:50:10 by ❥ M1STAKES [Albino g1 mott] (#63640)

❥ M1STAKES [g1
stellar mott] (#63640)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-24 02:50:20
Extra reserved post here...

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