Posted by Locke of Lioden

Barry (#104806)

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Posted on
2022-12-26 14:04:18
Pride Master 1: Ishkur The Candid
This is a hard mode I've made for myself, a set of rules sort of to make the experience more interesting for my playthrough. This was originally made for me to keep Lore but I sort of forgot about the Lore part and now its just a 'heres a completely natural-based pride' sort of thing.

1. Nesting does not exist
-I am still deciding whether or not to include brood-mothers in this rule

2. All lionesses will be NCL of natural(ish) colors and markings with no outside lineage before joining the pride
-I will be checking the male version as well to make sure the manes fit the bases
-No unnatural coloring will be allowed whether its eyes, base, manes, markings. Basically only shades of brown and maybe gold will be allowed for eye color.
-Natural(ish) means no darker base with lighter manes ex; Chocolate base with Cream mane mostly cause I think its just rather ugly

3. Males born in the pride will fight for their right in the pride once they come of age based on the fact subs are limited and only the strongest will prevail. If they tie in overall stats it will then become who has the most stats Strength+Skill wise
-When the previous Pride Master is no longer then the males will fight for the right to the role AKA the strongest gets the role If there are no subs then whatever I will just re-roll

Essentially this entire thing is just 'survive and thrive naturally' kind of thing. Alot of people breed for specific looks or stats, but this entire thing is just a fun little game for me to play. I will update the rules as I go, maybe because a Pride Master has an aggressive personality and i decide to update the rules based on that, who knows. This is a forever growing project and itll be fun to see what it turns into! :D

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Barry (#104806)

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Posted on
2022-12-26 14:04:40
Pride Master 2:

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Barry (#104806)

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Posted on
2022-12-26 14:04:59
Pride Master 3:

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