Posted by Moose's CSS Sales

moose (#125788)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-27 12:16:17
Moose's CSS Shop
- Payment is to be made after you receive and approve a preview of the code. Once I receive your approval and payment, I will send you the code.

- You may request unlimited revisions until payment is made.

- If your layout breaks, I will fix it for free.

- You may modify the layout as you like once you have it, but you cannot resell it or modify it with the intent to resell.

- I am a busy person. It may take up to a week for your layout to be finished. Please be patient.

- Forum CSS: 5GB / 5,000SB
- Den CSS No Boxes, No Cave: 7GB / 7,000SB
- Den CSS With Boxes: 10GB / 10,000SB
- Den CSS With Cave: 10GB / 10,000SB
- Den CSS With Boxes and Cave: 15GB / 15,000SB

I also accept breeding items, applicators, and lions as payment. If paying with items -- or a mix of items and currency -- the total market value of offered items/lions must still reach the prices outlined above. I also reserve the right to refuse a lion/item/whatever as payment if I'm not interested in it.

Buying more than one? You get a 25% discount on the total price.

Forum CSS
- This post

- My main (Den CSS + Cave + Boxes [link]
- My side (Den CSS + Cave + Boxes) [link]
Order Forms
To place an order, please fill out the corresponding form(s) and post them in a reply to this thread. You may leave any fields marked with * as blank; doing so will mean I get creative control over that aspect of the layout.

Forum CSS Form
Username & ID: Your username and ID.
Mockup(s)*: A rough sketch of your desired layout. Doesn't have to be pretty, just readable.
Layout: A description of how you want the content in the CSS laid out -- i.e. "I want it split into five sections, each with a header that's centred, bolded, and in all caps. Beneath each header should be a white box that scrolls if it gets too long."
Colour Palette*: Any colours you want included in the layout. Can be names or hex codes.
Background Image*: Link to the background image, if any.
Font(s)*: Can only be of these fonts, due to Lioden's restrictions.
Rounded Corners*: Do you want rounded corners on the panels?
Transparent Panels*: Do you want parts of the template to be transparent? Which ones?
Borders:* What kind of borders, if any, do you want?
Notes: Anything else you'd like to add.
Payment: GB, SB, items/lions, or a combination of all of the above. List all items being offered, and link any lions please.

Den CSS Form
Username & ID: Your username and ID.
Include Boxes?: Yes/No
Include Cave CSS? Yes/No
Mockup(s)*: A rough sketch of your desired layout. Doesn't have to be pretty, just readable.
Colour Palette*: Any colours you want included in the layout. Can be names or hex codes.
Background Image*: Link to the background image, if any.
Font(s)*: Links to any web-hosted fonts (i.e. Google Fonts).
Cursor Replacement*: Link to the cursor you want.
Lioden Logo Replacement*: Link to the image you want to replace the Lioden logo with.
Other Image Replacements*: List any other image replacements (i.e. nursing/unsorted/caves/dynasty/etc.) that you want replaced, along with the replacement image.
Rounded Corners*: Do you want rounded corners on the panels?
Transparent Panels*: Do you want panels to be transparent?
Notes: Anything else you would like to request.
Payment: GB, SB, items/lions, or a combination of all of the above. List all items being offered, and link any lions please.

Boxes - Add To Den Form
Number of Boxes:
Box Layout: How you want the boxes laid out -- all side by side, 2x2, 3 on the top and one on the bottom, etc.
Hover or Static?: Do you want the boxes to always display their content, or only on hover?
Hover Image(s):* If you want hover boxes, link the image(s) you want used.

Cave CSS
There is no form for Cave CSS; the styles for it will all be based on what you request in the Den CSS. If there's something very specific that you want in the Cave CSS, you can put it in the "notes" section of the Den CSS form.

Please note that I cannot style the chatbox in caves. For whatever reason, it just doesn't work, even though it has the exact same properties as the chatbox everywhere else. If I ever figure out how to do it, I'll message you and update your CSS for free. If anyone knows how to do it, please help me. I've been trying to figure this out for weeks :')
1. ink [he/him] - 391538: Order Form [In Progress]
2. inked [he/him] - #391431: Order Form [Not Started]
3. Shadow - #73284: Order Form [Not Started]
4. Shadow - #88089: Order Form [Not Started]

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Edited on 14/01/23 @ 18:20:22 by moose (#125788)

ink🍋[he/him] (#391538)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-01-11 21:57:28
Den CSS Form

Username & ID: ink [he/him] (#391538)
Include Boxes?: Yes
Include Cave CSS? Yes
Colour Palette*: Just a rough colour palette idea I'm happy to give you creative control
Background Image*:
Font(s)*: Links to any web-hosted fonts (i.e. Google Fonts).
Cursor Replacement*:
Lioden Logo Replacement*:
Other Image Replacements*:
Rounded Corners*:
Transparent Panels*:
Notes: I would like my CSS to match my heir, colours/aesthetic wise though I'm happy to give you full creative control in picking what you think works with him.
Payment: 15 GB

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moose (#125788)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-01-12 16:12:07
Hey there! Thanks for choosing me to make your Den CSS. I’ll get to work on it ASAP; when I’ve got it done I’ll send you a message with a preview so you can review it.

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ink🪵[he/him] (#391431)

Special Snowflake
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-01-12 18:22:05
Awesome, can't wait to see it
I thought I'd pop in an order form for my second account too :)
Den CSS Form

Username & ID: inked [he/him] (#391431)
Include Boxes?: Yes
Include Cave CSS? Yes
Colour Palette*: Just a rough colour palette idea I'm happy to give you creative control with this one too
Background Image*:
Font(s)*: Links to any web-hosted fonts (i.e. Google Fonts).
Cursor Replacement*:
Lioden Logo Replacement*:
Other Image Replacements*:
Rounded Corners*:
Transparent Panels*:
Notes: I would like my CSS to match my heir, colours/aesthetic wise though I'm happy to give you full creative control in picking what you think works with him.
Payment: 15 GB

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Shadow (Main) (#73284)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-01-12 22:21:55
Posting both orders from one account. As it is the easiest option.

Username & ID: Shadow 73284
Include Boxes?: Yes
Include Cave CSS? Yes
Colour Palette*:
Background Image*: This One
Font(s)*: Lato
Cursor Replacement*: Moon
Lioden Logo Replacement*:
Other Image Replacements*: Pregnant Lionesses
Pride Overview
Hunter Den
Pretty Lions
Rounded Corners*: Yes
Transparent Panels*: Unsure exactly what this means. So, if you could let me know what it is that would be great. Would prefer it to be like yours please.
Payment: 15 GB

Number of Boxes: 3
Box Layout: 2 on top and one on bottom
Hover or Static?: Static
Hover Image(s):*


Username & ID: Shadow 88089
Include Boxes?: Yes
Include Cave CSS? Yes
Colour Palette*:
Background Image*: This One
Font(s)*: Raleway
Cursor Replacement*: Cross
Lioden Logo Replacement*:
Other Image Replacements*: Unsorted
Pregnant Lionesses
Pride Overview
Cotton Root Bark Girls
Rounded Corners*: Yes
Transparent Panels*: Unsure exactly what this means. So, if you could let me know what it is that would be great. Would prefer it to be like yours please.
Payment: 15 GB

Number of Boxes: 3
Box Layout: 2 on top and one on bottom
Hover or Static?: Static
Hover Image(s):*

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Edited on 14/01/23 @ 04:54:27 by Shadow (Main) (#73284)

moose (#125788)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-01-13 16:46:49
@Shadow thank you for your order! Panels are the content that make up the page. As an example, this user's den has transparent panels; you can see the background image through the content. If you look at my den, I have opaque panels, where the background image cannot be seen through them.

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Shadow (Main) (#73284)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-01-14 04:53:38
Ok thank you for letting me know. I would prefer the Opaque panels then please and thank you.

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