Posted by Quick-Written Poem, Need Opinions

October 🦇 (#320587)

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Posted on
2023-01-06 02:35:21
Hi- so my writing club leader has been on my ass about the fact that I've read nothing to the club-
Like, I write and stuff but I write very personal stuff, not really the type I want to share? But it's 4 AM, I can't sleep, and figured I'd write something to spare myself from her putting me on the spot.

It's hard to be the one in the group who simply does not fit.
But it's not like I can tell them, they'll just insist that I do.

They can't see the details that cause these thoughts, though.

How easily my words fall on deaf ears in large conversations,
How others are invited out as I'm just walked past.
The posted pictures of outings that were never even mentioned to me.

How do I not feel alone in this situation?

When I can go days without a text on my phone,
Or having to pick up my pace as I'll otherwise be left alone.

I try to push away the sour feelings that arise,
Because I know my friends do care very much about me.

It is just my place as an outlier.

LF constructive criticism or just thoughts in general! <3

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Edited on 06/01/23 @ 02:37:17 by October🦇 (#320587)

🦧RANGA🦧 g2
subtle pie sapela (#262979)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-01-06 02:37:43
This is really good

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October 🦇 (#320587)

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Posted on
2023-01-06 02:38:52
<3 ty ;-; just hoping my two friends in the club don't take it personally- it's not about them two specificallyyyy

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