Please asknowledge my ToS before asking for an exploration or commissioning a custom, which is found HERE
Credit my carrd, tumblr (@lightlysketched), discord (Ghostly#9879), or LD (#277142)
- Please credit any form of my art if you plan to use it anywhere
- All sales are final!
- Be understanding when it comes to waiting! I am very busy outside of art as it is. Commissions and customs are my priority. I am just one person, and exploration designs will mostly likely end up on the bottom of my personal queue. I also just work slow :
- Please refrain from editing designs heavily without my knowledge, DMs and commenting on this thread to let me be aware of changes is encouraged! Unless its major stuff like Flaws, bases, marking amounts, color scheme changes, variants, etc then it will have to be discussed prior
- I accept payment up front before starting art, this is noted in my ToS
- Since this is a semi closed species, you can not make your own unless you get a MYO slot through raffles
- Customs are to be DMed over with me, and they will follow my normal commission prices (20 - 25 GB)
Great beasts as old as time, the Onitaur were made to serve and guard. These titans born of granite and arcane intertwined are humanoid, with the lower half of their body being either of a tiger’s, a panther’s, or a lion’s. Their human parts of themselves resemble that of a folklore Oni, with long tusks and fangs and a head full of horns. While their origin and lower animal body is closer to that of the Foo Dog. They share human skin tones, and sometimes more colorful tones of blue and green. The sclera of their eyes are always black, as well as their blood being different colors that often correlate with their horns. They are originally created out of statues to their likeness in any stage of their life, and paired with a precious mineral in sphere form. Most commonly a jade but the minerals can vary. These statues are then ‘brought to life’ via arcanic rituals, another Onitaur’s magic, or through will of compassion from the sculptor. As the ages moved on, the variety of Onitaur increased, creating little sub variants of them.
The Onitaurs defined as ‘common’ often share no flaws or uncommon features that would make them discernible from the localization of Onitaurs. However the variants offer such traits that don’t fit the common criteria, or carry Flaws. These sub variants are the Earthen, the Airborne, the Waterbound, and the Charred. These are the most prevalent sub variants. There are also The Beastial, the Supernatural, the Flawed, and the Connected. These variants are a bit more uncommon then the rest.
The Earthen: the more rough and unpolished form of Onitaurs. Usually made by novice and beginner sculptors, they are known for their sturdiness and strength. Making excellent guards. They are more prone to Flaws however.
The Airborne: The Onitaurs that are sleek and intricately designed. Their colors are a sweet pastel, but often vibrant. Their names come from the fact that many of their features resemble birds, and are often made with wings and feather growths. Albeit not too fit for guard stances, they can be ornate pieces found in a wealthy warlord's home, designed as a home security piece under pretty looks.
The Waterbound: Loose, fluid, and flexible, like a current is what gives these Onitaurs their namesake. Their body’s, often short legged but sleek and form fitting, are guardians. Just as their brethren, but some to have been made with an aquatic motif. Rather than being sculpted from granite, they can be sculpted in coral and limestone. Although this usually means for their smaller size due to deposits such as these being small and scarce in nature.
The Charred: Fiery and tactful are the Charred. Vibrant displays of reds and oranges as they seem to take on a more active role in defense. They are more than guardians, but fighters too. Hunters in the like. They carry blazing themes of reds, oranges, and black. Their hearts to have said been embedded with ashes
The Beastial: One of the more estranged looking Onitaurs, these beasts are more animal then human. Often with animal heads, or a body that falls out of the feline criteria. Often large scale, these aren’t treated as Flaws, but more unique work made by the most skilled sculptors, as a Beastial Onitaur is especially hard to make and tame.
The Supernatural: These Onitaurs are built with more arcane than stone. Usually for fault of letting overflow magick seep into their statues before their revival, or a purposefully imbuing before it is time. These are utilized in temples. Bodyguards of seers and priests. While they aren’t much different from a common Onitaur, there are little things found that can separate them. Such as arcanic abilities, luminescent runes embedded in their skin, or apparition-like properties.
The Flawed: generally regarded as the ‘mutated’ Onitaurs. They are generally common Onitaurs but can appear as other sub variants. These flaws aren’t lethal, these just simply aren’t common to the criteria of an Onitaur. These flaws can range from cosmetics, such as piebalds, patches, albinism, melanism, and chimeras. Or more physical flaws like polycaudals, polymelias, extra eyes, strange pupils, or otherworldly matter growths. Some Flaws have a tendency to stack onto eachother, creating doubles, and sometimes even tripled Flaweds.
The Connected: A vastly unknown and strange variant of Onitaur. As the times grow older and sculptors grow more advanced in technology, they create hybrids of science and magic. Instead of granite and stone defining an Onitaur’s body, a synthetic build of carbon fiber and cables makes up for the mass. A sphere is replaced by something more magnetic. Created to operate in an artificial body, and gifted the gift of sentience through magic, a Connected is born. While some body parts may be organic, the most of it is metal.
Random Explores: These explores will gift you an onitaur of random variant, with varying rarity depending on which explore you purchase
The Sculptor’s Den (Common:Random) 4 3/4 SLOTS OPEN
The Crystalline Caverns (Uncommon:Random) 6 3/4 SLOTS OPEN
The Pillars of Creation (Rare:Random) 8 0/3 SLOTS CLOSED
Targetted Explores: These explores are centralized to a specific variant of onitaur, and the rarity is randomized no matter what explore you buy. You can level up your explore with a Market Item
The Low Ranges (Earthen) 10 3/3 SLOTS OPEN
The Porcelain Forge (Airborne) 10 3/3 SLOTS OPEN
The Great Aquifer (Waterbound) 10 3/3 SLOTS OPEN
The Burning Sands (Charred) 10 3/3 SLOTS OPEN
The Wild Realm (Beastial) 12 0/3 SLOTS CLOSED
The Mausoleum (Supernatural) 12 2/3 SLOTS OPEN
The Twisted Land (Flawed) 12 2/3 SLOTS OPEN
The City Light Skyline (Connected) 12 1/3 SLOTS OPEN
These items can be purchased to either add onto an exploration or existing Onitaur!
1 : Precious Mineral: can be applied to a specific explore to change a common rating to an uncommon rating
3 : Rare Gem: can be applied to a specific explore to change a common or uncommon rating into a rare rating
2 : Broken Chisel: Almost always guaranteed Flawed to any explore
2 : Steel Prosthetics: can be applied to any existing Onitaur and change their variant to a Connected. Can not be applied to already existing Connecteds.
All prices are final!
Conversion: 1000 SB = 1 GB = $0.75 USD
Will accept:
- GB
- Breeding Items
- SOME Event applicators
- Mutie Lions, will have to look over them first
If you offer items I will look over Branch Sales for the lower mid range price and determine the item off of that
Seller's Display
Welcome to the Adopt Auction House! Find any flavor of Adopts you may like!
- sb = starting bid
- mi = minimum increase (to current bid)
- cb = current bid
- ab = autobuy
GB/SB encouraged!
Auction ends 3 days after the first bid
If you dont pay within the next 3 days of the auction ending, the adopt will be given to the second highest bidder
Serious bidders encouraged
Same rules apply in my ToS and above
Enjoying the centaurs but not liking the art/lore? I got you! Visit the Kivoid closed species forum for a different perspective on centaurs! Find it HERE
@🐾🔮cryptic_catts🔮🐾 (#211012)
An Onitaur has been sculpted for you! It's maker grants it's first breathes of life, before it designates itself in your steed
Update: Base is updated! Im going to be scarce the rest of this month so explores wont open until april sadly :(( ill try to make adopts and do raffles
Good evening folks this is the official announcement of opening the explores once again. Im back from who the fuck knows and jet lagged but doing all good. Ready to get back to work on these guys