Posted by Casoric's Chihuahua Gacha

saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-17 13:43:46

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After realizing that I need GB but happen to be extremely lazy, I decided to try making a gacha. I decided to choose chihuahuas in honor of my own, who is rumored to lack a soul.

All pulls will include color, with some including lineart changes.

Please tell me below the type and number of pulls you'd like, as well as any specifications (color scheme, aesthetic, et cetera) you'd like your chihuahua friend to follow. You can send your payment before receiving your art or a 50/50 before and after receiving it. Please put your username and your UID as well.


Common Pull: 250 SB [ 80% Common, 15% Rare, 5% Special ]
Rare Pull: 400 SB [ 40% Common, 50% Rare, 10% Special ]
Special Pull: 650 SB [ 20% Common, 30% Rare, 50% Special ]

[ Ordering five pulls at a time will get you a 10% discount, as well as a higher chance of receiving a mutation. ]

[ Already ordered some slots, gotten your chihuahuas, and want more? Returning customers get 20% off their order! ]

[ Please keep in mind that you aren't guaranteed the rarity of your pull! It simply increases the odds of getting the corresponding rarity of chihuahua. ]


Documented Mutations List

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Edited on 03/03/23 @ 16:21:59 by Casoric (#335385)

saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-18 17:07:45
You're welcome! <3

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AngelicDemon Main (#227350)

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Posted on
2023-01-20 21:01:15
Can i get 2 special pulls? Paying with a GB :)

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saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-20 21:22:07
Alright! I'll put you on the list. Any specifications?

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AngelicDemon Main (#227350)

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Posted on
2023-01-20 21:24:06
No thank u tho :) I'll send over payment now

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saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-21 13:45:15
Erik | G2 prismatic dorsal (#210671)'s first Special Pull!


The green star indicates it is of Common Rarity! Oh no, how unlucky! [ 20% ]


This chihuahua seems somewhat indignant. It dressed up so nicely, and you seem to be somewhat disconcerted that it arrived! Strutting out of its cage, it gives you a bark of challenge. You try to pet it in order to appease it, but it snaps at your hand. Oh well...

No mutations, sorry!

Erik | G2 prismatic dorsal (#210671)'s second Special Pull!


The blue star indicates it is of Rare Rarity! Not the best, but certainly not the worst! [ 30% ]


What a unique little chihuahua! It bounds from the crate as soon as you open it, seeming to be as light as a feather. Each leap it takes sends it somewhat out of control as it floats through the air like a little cloud. How cute! After catching it and taking it inside your home, it spends the next hour trying to float up to the ceiling. You're glad you don't have a ceiling fan-- it certainly wouldn't be a good choice with this little guy around.


Poodle Fur [ Rare ]

Erik | G2 prismatic dorsal (#210671)'s third Special Pull!


The gold star indicates it is of Special Rarity! Nice job! [ 50% ]


This little chihuahua seems completely monochromatic. It walks out of the crate, looks around, and fixes you with an expression of utter boredom and distaste. You pick it up and show it around your home, where it falls asleep in your arms. When you finally realize that, you set it down in a dog bed and let it sleep. Huh.


Extra Fur [ Rare ]
Heterochromia [ Rare ]

Erik | G2 prismatic dorsal (#210671)'s fourth Special Pull!


The gold star indicates it is of Special Rarity! How cool! [ 50% ]


You're not sure what you expected, but it definitely wasn't this. Your new chihuahua slinks from its crate, a scaly and slick tail hovering just above the ground behind it. Its eyes seem to be dripping into its stunning lashes, and it seems to be stained with an odd substance you assume is algae. Picking it up, the chihuahua isn't wet, but its fur has the same texture and thickness of an otter. You brought it inside to give it a tour-- but when you got to the kitchen, the otherwise immobile creature leaped from your arms and into the kitchen sink. It then barked at you until you turned on the faucet and stopped up the drain. You spend the next hour marveling at it while it swims around.


Spiked Lashes [ Rare ]

Mutation Discovered!

Aquatic [ Rare ]

Erik | G2 prismatic dorsal (#210671)'s fifth Special Pull!


The gold star indicates it is of Special Rarity! But why is the star brighter than normal...? [ 5% Chance --> 10% Chance (2x 5 Pull Boost) ]


Oh. Oh my. You're not even sure this is a chihuahua anymore. The chi-puddle slides out of its crate and gives you a bark, looking up at you with eyes that seem to be floating upon its furry pancake body. What happened? You tentatively poke it-- its fur is still soft, but its body seems to have the consistency of that slime you buy at the store. You tug at the waffle cone that's on the top, and it seems unfazed. You stretch it until your chihuahua is off the ground-- miraculously hanging in the air and not losing structural integrity. In fact, it doesn't seem to care. You turn it over, and the chihuahua fills the cone like a liquid. It's eyes and snout poke out of the top, and it barks at you again. You bring it inside and place it inside of a dog bed, before going to your computer and trying to google how to take care of a dog that's basically a liquid.

Mutation Discovered!

Melted [ Special ]

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saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-21 14:29:41
AngelicDemon Main (#227350)'s Special Pulls have arrived!

AngelicDemon Main (#227350)'s first Special Pull!


The green star indicates it is of Common Rarity! Hopefully the chihuahua will still be pretty, though! [ 20% ]


This little ginger chihuahua bounds from its crate first off, and hardly notices you as it runs into your home. You chase after it as it explores every nook and cranny! Eventually, you lose it, and the next hour you find it curled up in your laundry basket. Typical little dog.

AngelicDemon Main (#227350)'s second Special Pull!


The blue star indicates it is of Rare Rarity! Not the best, but certainly not the worst! [ 30% ]


What an odd little chihuahua! It has sleek, purple fur and several dark spots. Its eyes are wide and yellow, and it has a small light on its head. Huh. How bright. It seems shy at first, but eventually is tempted from its crate after sniffing your hand. It doesn't seem to like being picked up, but follows at your heels as you show it around your house. It seems content to spend the rest of the day in your bathtub after you fill it with water.

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AngelicDemon Main (#227350)

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Posted on
2023-01-21 15:19:39
Thank u I love them

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saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-21 15:20:31
You're welcome <3

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Adonis (#335191)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-01-21 15:22:49
Uwu my m-my mmm-m-m-m-m-mo-mom d-d-died, c-c-c-can I hhhhave two s-s-s-specials? Pweeeeasee

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saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-21 15:23:57
Sure man, I'll put you on the list

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Empty (#2507)

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Posted on
2023-01-21 15:39:42
May I buy 2 special pulls?

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saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-21 15:40:09

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Foxrii (#241428)

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Posted on
2023-01-21 15:42:32
Can I get a common pull please?

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saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-21 15:44:09
Sure! <3

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Erik (#210671)

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Posted on
2023-01-21 16:13:59
I love them thx!

That melted one is so funny but the second one has to be my favourite

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