Posted by [Rehaul] Weekly Raffle Lioness

Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-01-18 18:52:31
I can see there's been some debate recently over raffle lionesses and them getting stuck on disused accounts or players being harassed over winning. I'm sure we can all see both sides, as those that win and those (the majority) that don't.

At present, every week there is 1 lioness between (at time of posting) 418,077 players, one lioness to spread her RL markings between all of those players.
Of course, not all of those are dreamboats, but let's look at the current 20.01.23 raffle Lioness.

Gee, that's a lot of players for one lioness, wouldn't you agree?

Now, I love how the raffle lioness system works - my only qualm is, the numbers do not work out anymore. It used to be that there was one lioness between maybe 1000 dreamboats; now it's 10,000.

My suggestion is this, make the Raffle Lioness into a "harem". There are five "sisters" with similar breed-only traits (new raffle markings, bases, etc), and each one is available to be impressed - but you can only impress one per account. These lionesses would have maybe 4-6 traits in common (new markings) but would have other markings that could appeal to other players - one could be a colour bomb, one could be a greyscale, one could be natural, one could be random and one could be pastel. Different tastes for different players!

The lionesses would ideally have 3-4 markings the same between them, but the rest would be different & different bases/mutations/personalities.
It would still cost 50SB to make your attempt, but now instead of it being 1/10000 chance, assuming everyone picks their "favourite" of the 5, the spread should be on average 1/2000 on peak weeks.

The Benefits
This would increase the chances of rare markings being spread.
The odds of "marking hoarding" would be reduced.
Decrease the chances of the lioness ending up on an abandoned account.
Reduction in player conflict & harassment over RLs.
The code is already there and just needs some minor tweaks!

The Negatives
Raffle Lionesses may drop in value, as would their clones - even though all five "sisters" would technically be different RLs in their own right.
Over time there would be a lot more RLs in the system, for example, 52 weeks = 260 RLs, however with the growing member base and the fact that most RLs only live for 120 days (excluding those that freeze them for event months.) This would still be only 260 RLs a year between 418,000 (rounded down) members. (That's 0.00062200956 RLs per player.)
This would require dear Katze to design 5 different (although keeping similar markings) lionesses each week, which may be too much for her.

Instead of doing 5 a week, we could do 3 a week instead, if people feel 5 is too many, it'd be a nice middle ground whilst making RLs feel more common and reducing the aforementioned risks.

I'll add others' ideas here!

Please, if you don't support please explain WHY below - I can't improve the idea without YOUR feedback, it's worth checking back often as I intend to change this and grow it with the input from the community. I'll probably get flak for this but I had to say it.

edit: centered the image, it was annoying me.

This suggestion has 87 supports and 13 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/01/23 @ 19:15:10 by Taevali (#57572)

Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-01-18 18:55:04

Again, please state why no support - this is unfortunately an issue a lot of us are feeling at the moment, and I'd love to find a solution that benefits both regular players and RL/RLC collectors!

Feedback so far

But 5 lionesses that look identical could tank the market!

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Edited on 19/01/23 @ 09:16:40 by Taevali (#57572)

🌱 whales0ng (#138230)

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Posted on
2023-01-18 18:55:35
another good solution! i like the idea of being able to pick one of a few to enter for, as that would also help increase the chances that the lionesses go to a player who wants them/their traits

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Pigeon |x2 Rosette
Kimanjano| (#100818)

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Posted on
2023-01-18 20:16:08
Hesitant support.

I like the idea of having multiple lionesses a week, as it would make sense to do with the rising player count, but not the amount listed or that they would all be similar.

I think if 5 lionesses were put out a week, the market for them would tank fast. The problem with having them all similar in appearance and sharing a bunch of markings also would lessen the value of them as the markings wouldn't be as rare and would be spread around faster.

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Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-01-19 02:08:24
I do understand that! Which is why I suggested a compromise of 3 lionesses.
Not every winner can afford to breed them, and each lioness gets 8 heats (naturally, lets disregard Yohimbe Barks for a moment!) and often don't pass their markings 75% of the time!

That means:
For 5 lionesses - theres 40 chances for the markings to pass naturally. (5 lions x 8 heats each).
For 3 lionesses - theres 24 chances for the marking to pass naturally. (3 lions x 8 heats each).

That means without any items, assuming each lion is bred on the day they come into heat and have one cub only. That is still only 0.0000574163 to 0.0000956938 RL marked lions per player currently, assuming each lioness passes that marking every time without expensive items - and even then, Crunchy worms can and do fail! Gnaws won't fail but you are limited to passing one marking at a time this way.

I'd totally be down for the 5 RLs to be different! The idea of them being similar was to relieve stress on Katze, as designing 3-5 RLs a week:may be overwhelming or may burn through any backlog of designs fast. It would also potentially put more pressure on the art team as they may have to come up with new markings or new recolours every week to keep up with the new demand!

Thank you so much for your feedback and support, I am hopeful this idea can grow into something that suits everybody!

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Edited on 19/01/23 @ 02:19:05 by Taevali (#57572)

fleuriste (#155218)

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Posted on
2023-01-19 09:48:56
def support! i think another thing could be maybe each lioness supporting e/ genetic category? or at least trying to,, i feel like we see a very obvious lack in some categories- or even bases which get made and seldom see the light of day upon release in the form of an RL. it'd be interesting to see at least 1 design off e/ group where people can have more variety catered to what they breed to to chose,,

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Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-01-19 09:56:22
Potentially! That would be up to Katze to decide and why I suggested different catergories/themes for the lionesses!
A greyscale for example could be Ebony, a pastel Cherry Blossom, a random could be Pearl, etc.

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Pecora king (#263731)

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Posted on
2023-02-01 05:15:59
As a person who LOVES Raffle lionesses but cannot afford them this is PERFECT!, There will be more chances so they will become more affordable and obtainable

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❄️ whales0ng (#162699)

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Posted on
2023-04-14 14:45:39
this week’s lady already has over 2500 entries, and she has been up for less than a day :’)

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2023-04-14 14:53:52
I don't support mainly because the raffle lionesses are there for a bit of fun, not to benefit anyone or to please us. They are there to give new markings, which can also be RMAed like the new rosettes always do. This would also greatly decrease the worth of rls [for example, they are currently worth about 1000GB each without clones, if not more depending on the markings, etc.] it'd be safe to say that similar-marking lionesses would greatly reduce the worth, by what could actually be 5th [bit of a stretch but you know what I'm getting at].

Clones are affordable when common, and this just accelerates that common process, meaning rls become as worthless as let's say a frozen hybrid in what could be less than 3 breedings.

i really do like this idea, but I also stand by how the RL has always been a lucky thing to win, just because your odd aren't favourable and users are butt-hurt about not winning something they CHOSE to gamble on doesn't mean that the RL and how it works should be changed every time there is a problem. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the RL system, other than that there are now a lot more users entering; but what do you expect? Be honest with yourself, eventually you'll start complaining about how there'll be 10k per of these 5 rls because there's even more players.

Just because an idea can happen, doesn't mean it should in the long-run.
What do we do for the christmas hybrid? do 5 of them? or just 1 rl for that week? That's not fair. Do we do several, VERY SIMILAR, g1 hybrids, or have only 1 g1 hybrid [which most people will try to impress, so it defeats the purpose of there being several rls per week, but also means you have a better chance as the less valuable ones, so i guess it works.] and then a bunch of regular rls?

As said in the cons list, this isn't fair on katze. She does them herself and is late a lot more than people realise because she just doesn't have the time; she'll start running out of ideas quicker than new markings/bases for RLs can come in and then the community will suffer. Yeah, there are bases/markings currently unused/barely used for Rls, but that's because they have their respective months Katze uses them in. We see towards the end of the year, all the rls looking like potatoes in a way, just special marks with a fancy tier meaning behind them, and people still enter them because they just want the rl, even if they don't like it.

there are clans about that help users get RLs, RLCs and NRLCs for super cheap, i'm in one with a raffle on right now, if you don't want to risk breeding one yourself, just get one in a raffle or a local clan sales thread that does them for cheap. There are plenty of options other than this one.

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Edited on 14/04/23 @ 14:55:36 by Oakley (#177615)

❄️ whales0ng (#162699)

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Posted on
2023-04-14 16:25:11
hey oakley, a few concerns:

“…raffle lionesses are there for a bit of fun, not to benefit anyone or please us.” - rls are how new raffle-exclusive traits are released, not just markings; they do have a purpose!

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with the RL system.” - what about lionesses ending up on dead accounts? it’s certainly fair to say that this is just an unfortunate inevitability sometimes, but it is a flaw in the system when the system is intended to distribute new traits.

“As said in the cons list, this isn't fair on katze. She does them herself and is late a lot more than people realise because she just doesn't have the time; she'll start running out of ideas quicker than new markings/bases for RLs can come in and then the community will suffer.” - it’s definitely fair to be concerned about katze’s workload. however, as OP says, the designs don’t have to be completely different but can just be derivatives of one another! several lionesses would also make releasing requested traits much quicker and easier for katze - streamlining the process of getting those out there might make things easier for both her and the community.

“We see towards the end of the year, all the rls looking like potatoes in a way, just special marks with a fancy tier meaning behind them, and people still enter them because they just want the rl, even if they don't like it.” - katze’s designs vary! some are busy and bright, while others are softer; different people have different tastes. just because you dislike a design doesn’t mean that others do too! she also has to work with releasing traits that are requested on the forum, and not all of those work well with colorful designs.

“There are plenty of options other than this one.” - i think you may be misunderstanding the overall intentions of OP’s post and many of the replies; we aren’t necessarily supporting this idea just because we want clones. as discussed, there are a lot more reasons to want this than personal gain! i really do think that the community at large would benefit from this.

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❄️ whales0ng (#162699)

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Posted on
2023-04-14 16:27:39
full disclosure, i do not want to argue or anything, i promise if anything comes across odd it is not my intention! just want to discuss the idea so it can be refined :p

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Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2023-04-14 16:47:44
Just making this clear I'm super tired and made a lot of weird points there so my bad haha.
I did elaborate by saying the only actual function is to distribute RL marks but they can be RMAed [sure, they're a bitch, but people will do it anyway]
I absolutely love all of Katze's designs, I'm just saying that no matter how gorgeous she is, or how 'potato' coloured they are, there will always be people entering just to get the money you get from owning an RL: no way to avoid it.

Most lions, including g1 hybrids, lethals, etc. etc. end up on dead accounts; fair enough, if the user NEVER produces cubs, like the pulsar RL back in what? 2021?: I understand the point, but it doesn't justify it. Users might enter, and then go on an unexpected hiatus, plenty have, and plenty old, veteran players who have won RLs without knowing are returning recently because of LD's increase in popularity. It isn't the end of the world when an RL is stuck on a dead account, there will or already is RLs that have most, or some marks that match that RL, so it's not like the markings are never going to get distributed.

Even if it's a few tweaks, it still makes the marking pool decrease very, very quickly and katze, still, sometimes does not have the time. She has been a day or two late before, and having to design even 1 more RL expands that time because she has to check what is in-demand, as you said, and has to make them pleasing to the eyes, which means a lot of messing around with designs. Even if she enjoys it, which i'm sure she does, she has better things to worry about.

I get the community probably would benefit from it, but i personally don't like the idea and won't be convinced otherwise as I'm adamant on not supporting it because I do like the RL system. I've entered every RL i've been able to, not won once, but I have plenty of gorgeous lionesses that are just as good as an RL in my mind. This will not be a permanent fix, as i've already said, because people will then start complaining about how there's 10k users entering per of those 5 RLs. Then what? add another 5?

Sure, katze could do an extra RL maybe once a month with one of the community raffles, but we can't say for sure if she'd want to do that. They do more than one RL for special events, aka on christmas like they did last year. Both rls got a lot of love, sure, but they didn't have a choice to make so people got 2 chances at both RLs.

A better suggestion would be to do extra rls on important holidays, e.g christmas, as stated, or even easter since in the UK we get a lot of bank holidays around this time. But at the same time, not matter what, there WILL be thousands of users entering the RLs. Also, you have side accounts, so you can enter an RL twice, as I'm sure most of you guys do, or you can simply enter once in 2 Rls to better your chances.

users will also wait until the end of the week to enter the rl with the least entries, which, smart Idea i gotta admit, but there are a lot of potholes in this idea. It really is a great idea, just not one I'm going to support. It's like the idea that someone got barraded for when they suggested STEALING RLs off of inactive user's accounts and re-using them in other RL weeks.

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Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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2023-04-14 16:57:06
Okay there's two of these threads apparently, needless to say I support this one too.

I like the idea of the other raffle lionesses being sort of "palette swaps" of the one that is created first, and I also suggested this on the other thread. For example, the current one could be something like this. Lilac Quail Flecks is a brand new Raffle mark released alongside Bushveld Quail Flecks today, and this lioness's color palette is swapped to suit it. This would allow the staff to release both of them simultaneously. She has more of a subtle color palette than the Styx + Bushveld girl, but the opacity of Lahore Plumage could be increased to make the Quail Flecks stand out a little more. Asiatic is a Combo base just like Styx, and Hetero Blue & Ice are May Groupie eyes, just like Hetero Denim & Jade. Savage is like the opposite of Tsavo.

Another option is to take one of the markings and switch them with another, e.g. If a Raffle Lioness with Vitiligo 8 and Feline 9 is released, give the other lioness Vitiligo 6 and Feline 4 instead.

Also, we wouldn't "run out of markings", because the markings also need to exist in other slots. One Raffle Lioness is nowhere NEAR enough to cover the onslaught of new marks that get released and the slots they are available in. There's a huge bottleneck and some markings are just outright dead in multiple slots if not EVERY slot.

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Edited on 14/04/23 @ 17:08:30 by Thalath {Side} (#43831)

❄️ whales0ng (#162699)

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Posted on
2023-04-14 16:57:09
(@oakley) fair enough, agree to disagree!

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Edited on 14/04/23 @ 16:57:29 by 🌱 whales0ng (#162699)

Ricky/Infinightive (#177615)

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Posted on
2023-04-14 16:59:58
oh I'd 100% support polar opposite colours! I just don't want the same repetitive RLs being released simultaneously. They need individuality. I just don't really believe jumping right into 3-5 RLs is the way to go about it. I think starting off with 2 just to test it out would be a good way to approach it. Then katze would know if the idea worked.

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