Posted by Gift the person above you

💙Ash💙 (#336197)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-01-20 09:09:47
There are many threads like this and this is very new. So the rules are simple and they are easy to follow.

Easy: SB must be below 1000 so you can say 1000+ or anything below that. do not put rare or things worth a lot her. don't put hard to get mutties either. here are a few "easy to get" mutties, if you want any put at least 3 of these on here.
- Patches/pies (counted as one muttie)
-regular primals
- clawless
-bobbed tail
- Overgrown teeth
- overgrown tongue
- mane mutts
- overgrown claws
-overgrown fur
- blind
- primal fangs

medium: Regular rules, you may put 5000+ or below. sort of harder mutties and rarer items may be listed. some harder mutties are listed below.
- primal Smilus
- Primal (Ferus)
- Primal (Felis)


list anything you want. no rules.

to start us off, here is my list:

SB 600+
GB 5+
non-explore decor

2000+ SB
15+ GB
Primal of any varient that isn't regular
event decor

6000+ SB
25+ GB
Pon or Gon

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🪡 A S T E R A O T
H 💫 (#368766)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-01-24 04:39:29
Sending a primal

Easy: 200+ SB, 2+ GB, Piebald, eyeless, blind

Medium: 1000+ SB, 10+ GB, ferus/smilus

Hard: 4000+ SB, 15+ GB, hybrids, lethals

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