Cleft Palate:.................................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Conjoined Cubs:.........................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Cyclopia:......................................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Deaf:............................................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Extra Limbs:................................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Harlequin Ichtyosis:...................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Lipomatosis:...............................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Sirenomelia:...............................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Two Heads:.................................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Leopon:......................................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Tigon:..........................................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
Jaglion:..........................................0 (0♂/0♀)
X - X - X
The AMP's grew into the Following Mutations:
?..........................................................0 (0♂/0♀)
Double Uterus..................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Maneless...........................................0 (0♂/-♀)
Mane Feathery.................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Mane Fluffy.......................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Mane Frizzy.......................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Mane Fuzzy.......................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Mane Ruffled....................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Mane Scruffy....................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Mane Shaggy....................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Mane Silky.........................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Mane Villous.....................................0 (-♂/0♀)
Mane Whiskered..............................0 (-♂/0♀)
Overgrown Claws............................0 (0♂/0♀)
Overgrown Fur................................0 (0♂/0♀)
Overgrown Teeth............................0 (0♂/0♀)
Q: Will fail cubs be sold or given away?
A: Yes, I will make an announcement on this forum first before I put them up for sale or up for adoption
You can use the layout, i used it from another CRB project from a few months ago, im unsure of who posted it originally, but once i find out ill give credit