Posted by Why is mukombero so expensive

IvyTalon (#284416)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-02-06 23:05:00
Why do people sell it for around 400-500 GB, when you can get a ferus with like 50 GB too? I know it's a rare herb but not really get the logic of it.

This question is not directed to anyone, it's just simple curiosity!

Thank you kindly for your answers!

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-02-07 03:12:19
Because you can only get a G2 Ferus - meaning a lion with the shortest heritage - from using a MUkombero on a G1 lioness, breeding her to a G1 male. All bred ferus cubs with ferus parents will always be G3+. Generation is valued by clean breeders as the shorter the gen, the less work you have to do to check if there will be inbreeding.

And Mukombero item itself is extremely rare to find.

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Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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Posted on
2023-02-06 23:09:04
As Ferus is both a mutation and can't be applied, breeding a gen 1 king and lioness using Mukombero to get one is the only way to get the closest thing to a "no heritage" (so to speak) Ferus for people that enjoy clean lines.

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Edited on 06/02/23 @ 23:09:12 by 43831 (#43831)

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