Posted by Selling items for HS!

π™Όπš’πš—πšπš’ (#350252)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 04:05:56
Selling a bunch of stuff for HS since I won’t find as much use for them. Reservations are allowed for the more expensive items! My only rule is that if you choose an item that only costs 10 HS then you must choose 2 more items that cost 10 HS, This is because there are no other items I want for less.

1gb =10hs

= 800 HS
MOD: Vernal ( reserved )

= 100 HS
Ancestral body (2/2)

= 10 HS
Ethereal Body (0/2)

= 90 HS
Dust: Bloodstone (1/1)

= 60 HS
Dust: Cat’s eye (1/1)

=60 HS
Dust: Fire Opal (1/1)

= 60 HS
Spectre Body (1/1)

Breeding items:
= 10 HS
Red Cock (0/1)
If fed to your main male, next breeding's litter will be entirely male.

= 10 HS
Black Stallion (1/6)
This amazing stallion will make your female burst her ovaries in awe of the shiny looks and yummy taste! Once used, she will become pregnant next breeding ignoring fertility! This cannot be used on infertile lionesses.

Other items:

= 10 HS
Catnip (3/5)
Uses: 5
Catnip will lure wild lionesses to you in explore! For 30 minutes, you have a higher chance of finding lionesses in explore.

= 10 HS
Dove Feast (2/11)
Upon eating, this item will raise your lion's Impression by 20%!

= 10 HS
Giant Tortoise (1/5)
An African spurred tortoise - its gigantic shell will give your lion lots of practice, and quite a lot of experience! It can gain between 400-800 EXP.

Decorations + backgrounds:

= 200 HS
Ethiopian Wolves (1/1)

= 100 HS
Asian Dragon Fins (1/1)

= 100 HS
Tengshe Dragon (1/1)


- Magpie #391252 = Mod Vernal

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Edited on 28/02/23 @ 17:12:23 by Minty (#350252)

π™Όπš’πš—πšπš’ (#350252)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-02-28 17:12:57
I have 2 doves feasts, 1 black stallion and a giant tort :)

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