Posted by Reason for excluding dwarfism groupies?

mcfrosty •G4
nrlc (#49900)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 21:59:29
I noticed that little lions are the only "natural" non special factor, non lethal mutations to be excluded from being groupies. I was curious if there was any official reasoning given for little lions being excluded from being groupies when other random chance muties could possibly be groupies.

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2023-02-20 22:17:24
There are several other ordinary muts excluded too - DU, blind, eyeless. I don't know for sure why, but those have mostly tended to be the least common of the 'normal' muts to pop up in random breedings, so I assume it's to do with relative rarity and value. All of the muts that can potentially be groupies are very common ones, so not worth nearly as much in general.

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