Posted by Project Elysium

mutt 🐺❄️

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-02-24 17:29:31
this'll be my thread to keep track of my elysian project!


primary goal: breed a lion with all nine Feline Elysian markings, in numerical order (feline 1 in slot 1, feline 2 in slot 2, and so on).
secondary goal: breed a lion with all nine Feline Elysian markings on the Elysian base.


my main king currently has 4 elysian marks: 1, 5, 6, and 7, all in their respective slots. this means i have five more unaccounted for that i'll need to breed for.

i've acquired 2 cubs for this project so far. one has marks 1, 2, 8, and 9, while the other has 2 and 3. they'll serve as my jumping-off point for this project. once they both age into adults, i'll be able to get to work.


if the 1-2-8-9 lion passes on all elysian marks and my king does the same, i'll already have 7 markings accounted for. obviously, the odds of this happening right off the bat aren't particularly high, but that's the point of a project, isn't it? it's not a challenge otherwise <3

the only 2 marks i wouldn't have would be 3 and 4, a gap that i'll have to fill by searching for a suitable stud

with the 2-3 lion, any cubs that inherit all of the elysian marks between her and my king would still be missing three marks, so it's a similar idea of finding a good stud.


then it comes down to the base, which i think i'll just have to achieve through the power of hope and dumb luck. i think that'll have to wait for when i get a lion with all the necessary marks.

as of now, we're at a standstill, since i'll have to wait for these cubs to grow up. could i have searched longer and found older lions with the marks i needed? maybe. did i? no, because i am impatient. we all suffer here <3

here's to hoping rng smiles upon me for this. any comments or questions about the project are welcome in this thread <3

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storielle 💛 [g1
1k ice pie] (#15438)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 12:28:54
this sounds like a really fun project! I wish you luck <3 I’ve been trying to get an elysian cub with some breed only cimmerian marks and it’s been hard, but I think we’ll both get our goals if we stay persistent!

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Edited on 25/02/23 @ 12:29:06 by storielle |G3 elysian smilus (#15438)

mutt 🐺❄️

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-07-03 08:41:26
been a while! after a long break, i've returned, and this project has come back to life.

both the project cubs have aged up by now. first litters have been disappointing - both one cub only, and only a maximum of two markings passed down. having a king with a lot of high-opacity marks really doesn't help for this challenge.

but i'm far from giving up! still plenty of heats left, and there's still the chance to get a good litter against all odds. i'll also have to keep an eye out for other lions on the market that might have promising marks.

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