Posted by Marking Applicators with Random results

Sam || G3 Ferus (#282457)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 06:23:01
After having spent so much gb on energy boosts, grinding, and spending upwards of 720hs on one marking app alone it’s made me realize how poor the safe guard is for applicators that apply markings at random.

It’s my understanding that the current fail safe is the system guarantees no marking will be applied TWICE in a row, but still can be reapplied before achieving the mark you’re working for. A lot of applicators get very expensive, especially in its off season.

I’d like to suggest that the safe guard for these types of applicators be changed to cycling through the entire rotation of marking options. Example: Four markings total? Only should take four attempts, if that, to get the marking you’re working for.

I, personally, feel like this would be the best and safest option for players. Then it wouldn’t feel like such a waste to achieve something they’re working towards.

This suggestion has 33 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Akiosecret 💙 (#312830)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 06:34:58
I think thats already in place?
Either that or I've been lucky

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Sam || G3 Ferus (#282457)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 06:36:15
It’s not, unfortunately. The only fail safe in place is that the system cannot apply the same marking two times in a row. 😕

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 06:59:42
This has been suggested a few times before. The issue imo, as tends to be mentioned in the replies to those, is that this would massively de-value this type of apps (and by extension these types of marking on lions too).

In monthly events which don't have breeding items, apps are often the only thing with any value. And random 1-in-4 marking apps are inevitably the ones that retain most value over time because of that random element. So if you're a new player starting in December for example, the 1-in-4 marking apps are one of the few ways to both make some decent currency when you're starting out, and begin saving up items that will sell well later in the year for a reasonable sum. If you remove the random element, you hugely reduce the number of apps most people will need to use, and the demand dries up.

Don't get me wrong, I've had some terrible luck with various 1-in-4 apps often enough! So on a personal level, sure, this would save me a lot of money and hassle sometimes. But for the game overall and for market values I think this does more harm than good. Changing the mechanics of one of the only types of item with value that isn't a breeding item just further concentrates the economy on February/September events to the exclusion of everything else.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 07:00:33
Totally support!
I believe Marking apps we get from events shouldn't be randomized. I know some applicators you can choose which marking you want from the pack and be placed in.

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Sam || G3 Ferus (#282457)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 07:05:29
I’m not quite suggesting remove the random 1 in 4 chance, I’m suggesting the fail safe be changed to by the four attempt you get should get the marking you’re working for.

Example, say in off season an app sells for 25gb. Someone beginning to game decides they want to use that app. Fails first time, they buy another. Total put back into the market 50gb. At most that person would spend 100gb trying to get the marking they want for their lion.

I’ve tried and failed TEN times now with the Marking applicator I’m personally trying to use on my heir. That’s excessive for a supposed 1 in 4 chance.

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Dream Catchers (#95572)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 07:06:49
I know what you meant was just putting what I believe ^^ I had the same problem once before with a marking app

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Sam || G3 Ferus (#282457)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 07:08:20
@Dream Catcher, I’m sorry! My reply was at the response above yours. You must’ve responded just before I hit send myself!

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 07:12:20
I know, but that still has much the same effect. If it's guaranteed I only need to use a maximum of 4 to get the marking I want, the number of apps I'm going to buy is a whole lot less than it currently would be.

Whereas atm if I know I'm going to want a certain marking from them I try to stockpile a large number to be safe, and I know a lot of other people do too. Only 4 is very few in comparison, hence demand will be significantly less both during events and out of season, and they're no longer functioning as much as a money sink.

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Sam || G3 Ferus (#282457)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 07:23:28
We’ll just have to agree to disagree. It in no way should take so many tries to get the marking needed.

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Kiba | G1 Clouded
Dawn (#87435)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 08:12:18
Imo I feel like people's enjoyment with this game should hold more standing than the risk that marking apps may lose a little bit of market value. Plus there are plenty of apps like the haliotis and pelt heavy with sparkles that allow you to choose the marking you get and they still hold even triple the value of the randoms apps, so the points kind of moot

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Edited on 25/02/23 @ 08:18:39 by Yae | G2 Full Celestial (#87435)

KeidenSB (#409564)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 08:14:16
Yes^ totally agree!

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