Posted by Questions About the Dorsal Fur Mutation

Iamme (#223440)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 16:09:30
I have 2 questions in mind:
1. If you mut rep a king with a dorsal fur, will it change the mane shape to crested?
2. Will the dorsal fur mutation only roll for cubs with the crested mane shape, or will the mutation roll and overwrite the cub's mane to crested if it succeeds? (Might be a confusing question but I'm asking if when 2 lions with the incubus mane shape (cannot pass or fail into crested mane naturally) are bred together, and the king has the dorsal fur mut (assuming question 1's answer is no and the mane shape won't change with mut repping), is it possible for them to ever have a dorsal fur cub?)

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Edited on 25/02/23 @ 16:10:28 by Iamme (#223440)

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 16:35:21
1. Yes, if you mut replace with a dorsal fur heir then the mane type is forced into crested even if you choose the option to keep appearance of the previous (non-crested) king. So whatever mane shape the old king had will be lost.

2. At least one parent is always going to be crested because of the answer to #1. But I would guess - though I haven't seen this stated anywhere - that the dorsal fur inheritance chance probably rolls regardless of the cub's intended mane type, and then the mane just gets overwritten if it wasn't originally crested. I don't know if staff have ever disclosed how it's coded, so I could be wrong, but that seems the most obvious choice to me. Otherwise the odds would be skewed by the other parent's mane type, especially since some manes can pass more types than others... I haven't heard anyone suggest that using crested lionesses has improved the number of dorsal cubs their stud has produced, which you would expect it to if it the chance of passing dorsal was only rolling for cubs that were already destined to inherit a crested mane.

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Aura/Starfall (#209015)

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Posted on
2023-02-26 04:40:54
It's stated on the wiki all lions with dorsal fur mutation has the crested mane shape so I guess staff just figured it goes without saying if you mut rep with a df it'll gain the crested mane

lions have raised, spiky fur that starts from near the back of their skull and continues down to the mid-length of their tail. The fur mimics what the Crested mane shape looks like for adult male lions, but shows on (almost) all age stages and genders. While Cub Newborn stage does not visually show the mutation, it is revealed straight from birth. All lions with Dorsal Fur have the Crested mane shape.
Dorsal Fur does not hinder lions in any way.
This mutation can naturally pass down onto cubs. It has a very low natural pass rate, and can pass from either parent. If two Dorsal Fur lions are bred together, they have a doubled chance of producing offspring with Dorsal Fur.
This mutation cannot be posed.

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Iamme (#223440)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 16:50:38
Okay, tsym! Honestly wasn't expecting an answer since I didn't see anything surrounding this topic

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 17:04:54
You're welcome! Tbh I'm surprised there isn't a clear warning on the wiki that dorsal fur always defaults to crested mane even if you keep the previous king's appearance. Definitely worth knowing in advance :)

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