Posted by a few NCL questions :)

hine! (#414043)

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Posted on
2023-03-07 00:33:55
1. if you fail to claim an NCL, can she show up in another's explore page?

2. Is it possible for (non-chased) NCL to have rare/not common markings/bases?

3. if you chase a mutated lioness, if someone else claims her, will her mutation be wiped? Or do chased mutated lionesses just not show up in explore?

im a sorta new player and would just like some answers lol
hope these are easy to answer ^^

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Xyla! (#385451)

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Posted on
2023-03-07 00:42:20
Hi there! I'll try my best to answer these questions ^^

1; if you fail to claim an NCL, they will be deleted from the game. No other player can encounter or claim them.

2; NCLs generally have no or tier 0 markings (you can check the tier type of a marking by exporting the lion with them into the wardrobe). Some NCLs may have tier 3 markings or event markings, as certain events such as February have NCL exclusive markings during that event. Some NCLs may also have an NCL exclusive special base (there are four NCL exclusive bases: asali, dhahabi, maziwa, and mobola). Aside from that, any other tiers of markings or base types (uncommon, rare, most special bases) cannot be encountered on an NCL unless they are a chased. Here's the wiki page for the types of markings currently available in the game, and here's the wiki page for all the bases in the game if you're interested!

3; when a mutation lioness is chased, her mutation will unfortunately be wiped. She may still appear in explore to be claimed by others, but she will no longer have her mutation.

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hine! (#414043)

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Posted on
2023-03-07 00:43:53
that was super helpful, thanks!

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