Posted by Natural Pon Heat!
(Poop me!) (#194678)

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Posted on
2023-03-09 09:10:21

I am raffling off my Leopons next natural heat
Her cool down is 15 days! I won't be providing any items. You are more than welcome to use any items that you want, and you're more than welcome to change her base or add markings if you want. I will end the raffle once I feel like there are enough entries, if there are not enough entries then I will cancel the raffle and auction off her heat instead. If I do this I will update the thread with the link to the auction.


She is a clean gen 3 Leopon

She will not be leaving my den for any reason.
No begging.
No harassing the winter.
We will not be using the reverse heat mechanism, as I can't chase Cubs that you don't want until they are 5 months.
This is a full litter, you get rights to all cubs.
You are welcome, if you provide the items, to change her base or markings as you would like.
She is a Gen 3 Pon, so if you have a 5% chance at a leopon

Recommended Items
Buffalo scrotum for best chances

The Raffle

That's all I have for now, I will add to this post as I see fit.

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(Poop me!) (#194678)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-09 09:13:48
Ad for my use

Try your luck at getting a Clean Gen 3 Natural Pon Heat!

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Edited on 09/03/23 @ 09:15:47 by TheMisplayQueen (#194678)

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