Posted by First generation Pon/Tigon

P0laris (#424179)

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Posted on
2023-03-12 08:14:33
Hello, I am not really sure how first generation tigons and pons work? How do people breed them?

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2023-03-12 08:50:13
There's a tiny chance for random first gen hybrids to appear in any litter, with any parents - NCLs don't have any greater chance than normal. It's just easy to breed those in bulk if you claim lots that are in heat. But there's just as much chance from any other lioness in your pride as there would be from an NCL :)

CRBs and other mutation items (GMO cow, lion meat) can help to increase the chances a bit, but even with items used the odds are incredibly low because first generation hybrids are so rare. People have bred hundreds or even thousands of litters with CRBs used and still had no success, so it's really just down to patience/luck/lots of GB!

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Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-03-12 08:51:00
Literally just luck. There's something like a .002% chance of a first gen hybrid being born in any breeding, so it's exceedingly rare. Very low fertility boosts the chances of random mutations by an extremely low amount, Cotton Root Bark boosts it by a small amount, Lion Meat boosts it slightly more, and GMO cows give the highest chances. Keep in mind, these are random mutation chances, so more likely you'd get a bobbed tail or achromia or something, the more common mutations. So most of the time using expensive items like GMO cows are not cost effective. Cotton Root Barks are only 1 GB each, so you can apply the higher mutation chance to more litters. Most people actively trying to breed a first gen hybrid will end up breeding hundreds or thousands of CRB lions.

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Edited on 12/03/23 @ 08:51:30 by Terrinthia [G1 Daedal] (#97101)

P0laris (#424179)

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Posted on
2023-03-12 08:40:55
tyyy! :)

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ONLY (#169252)

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Posted on
2023-03-12 08:37:24
Usually they come from crb ncls but it can happen randomly i believe!

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