Posted by LIODEN HQ | DISCONTINUED | King Retirement Fund

Revenant | g1 10bo
ennedi🐊🔅 (#150642)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 10:21:39

The King Retirement Fund

New to the game?
Have your rolled king -- plain as oatmeal, yellow as the sun, or otherwise unappealing to you? Yet, you're in the tangle of learning all about Lioden, so retiring your king seems like a distant dream. Wait, or pay. And 10GB seems far too much for a new player like yourself to possess. . . so you wait, five months of everyday rolling if your king starts out at 3 years old.

Lioden HQ can change that.

How does this work? Well, you choose what tier you wish to sign up for. We have a total of three, and they're listed here. Signing up costs a small fee, to ensure your seriousness on getting on the list. (We don't want people signing up and then never sending in the weekly costs!) Tier one possesses kings just for looks, and is the cheapest tier. Tier two harbors kings with valuable traits, but are still pretty. Tier three will house double rosettes, rare mutations, and first page lineages. With the heir that's provided, you will also be sent 10 to retire your king to your fancy new heir right away!
For the cheapest tier, it is 100 to get on the waitlist, and 50 every week to fund the project.
More details can be found here!

Once you signed up, you're put on a waitlist. You can move up or down the waitlist depending on the amount total that you've spent. Moreover, those at the top can "opt out" of the allocated prize, moving it down to the next in the list.
The detailed explanation of this system can be found here!

There are a few rules, and things to be aware of, however!

Rules, Guidelines, and Disclaimers

1) You have to be apart of Lioden HQ's discord and clan. This is for ease of announcements, as individually messaging members gets complicated on Lioden. If you get banned from the discord or clan, a refund will be sent of all SB you've spent towards the project and you will be removed.

2) You have to be new to the game. If you made your account back in 2013, and you're just returning, that's okay! As long as both accounts have not retired their king before, you're allowed entry.

3) You agree to sending in the SB required to fund the project and keep your position on the waitlist. This SB will not be sent to me, but rather, Lioden HQ's clan using the donation feature. There is a minimum increase of 50 if you wish to send in more than the listed amount for that week.

4) You agree to being patient. This is a waitlist based system, and as of now, we don't have any idea how long that waitlist is going to take. Rushing us won't get your king faster, and it may get you removed from the project.

5) You can only sign up with one account. If you get one king from Lioden HQ, you will have to find your side king on your own accord.

6) You must king the heir you receive. There is no taking the 10GB and not kinging the heir. If you do, you'll face a ban and kick from the Lioden HQ discord and clan. If you already have an heir picked out, this project is not for you.

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Edited on 13/10/23 @ 17:24:28 by Revenant | (G2 Ice Felis) 🐊🔅 (#150642)

Revenant | g1 10bo
ennedi🐊🔅 (#150642)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-13 10:22:35


Tiers are a measure of quality for the king you’re going to receive! As this project is just kicking off, we’re only offering Tier One for signup at the moment. When this grows and has enough interest, we’ll roll out more tier two and three lions :)

Keep in mind that we try to have 3~ heirs for you to choose from. Since we are focusing on providing heirs that newbies wouldn’t necessarily have, you cannot use your own. However, if there’s enough interest, we’ll open up an alternative project with opportunities to earn 10GB to king whatever heir you want! :)
If we do not have any heirs to provide at the moment, we will buy one.If you do not like the heirs being provided, you can sit and wait on the list until there is something you like!

100 SB buy-in price, 50 SB weekly
These possible heirs are more for looks rather than value!
・Applicator marks / custom marks / NCL marks
・May or may not have a BO base/mane/eyes
・May or may not have a low-value mutation (primal, primal fangs, foldie, etc)
・Always clean.

250 SB buy in price, 100 SB every two weeks
These possible heirs are both lookers and have some value!
・Applicator marks / piety marks / BO marks, such as rosettes.
・Typically has an applicator/bo base, eyes, and mane
・May or may not have a mutation, (piebalds, primal variants, ect.)
・G3+, but always clean.

500SB buy in price, 250 SB every three weeks
These heirs are valuable and pretty!
・Special bases [ice, asali, etc, typically combo factors]
・More valuable BO marks [bushveld, leonid, celestial, raffle marks, rosettes] applicator marks, piety marks, etc.
・May or may not have a mutation.
・Typically first page lineages

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Edited on 21/03/23 @ 01:35:03 by Yamushu (#150642)

Revenant | g1 10bo
ennedi🐊🔅 (#150642)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 10:22:41

How does it work?

Aodhan, Tisho and Midas’ Touch have all signed up for the King Replacement Fund.

Aodhan donates the 100 SB sign up fee and the minimum weekly fee of 50 SB to get on the list, with a message included like so:


Tisho donates the 100 SB sign up fee, alongside 250 SB.

Midas’ Touch donates the 100 SB sign up fee, alongside 100 SB.

They then get documented down on a list. This list tracks the Total Amount Paid, [TAP], the Next Payment Day [NPD], and the Amount Owed [AO] - when applicable.

1. Aodhan #123456 - TAP: 150 SB / NPD: 3/9/23
2. Tisho #102030 - TAP: 350 SB / NPD: 3/9/23
3. Midas’ Touch #654321 - TAP: 200 SB / NPD: 3/9/23

Because Tisho has paid the most, he moves up to the first position. This means that he is next in line to receive the 10 GB and new king.

Midas’ Touch has paid the second most, which means he’s in second position. This means that he is second to receive the 10 GB and new king.

Aodhan has paid the least, which means he moves below him. This means that he is third in line to receive the 10 GB and new king.

The list would be re-ordered as so:
1. Tisho #102030 - TAP: 350 SB / NPD: 3/9/23
2. Midas’ Touch #654321 - TAP: 200 SB / NPD: 3/9/23
1. Aodhan #123456 - TAP: 150 SB / NPD: 3/9/23

Tisho has 24 hours to confirm if the heir provided is the one they want. If not, there is an “opt out” option, and the heir would go down the list. If they do not respond in 24 hours, the king option goes to the next in line. Whoever is in first position will be notified over discord and Lioden.

If you have any questions about this, please make a ticket in the Lioden HQ discord or respond to the thread with your question.

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Edited on 13/03/23 @ 17:13:59 by Yamushu (#150642)

Revenant | g1 10bo
ennedi🐊🔅 (#150642)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 10:22:57

note: this is getting constantly updated!




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Edited on 21/03/23 @ 02:45:51 by Yamushu (#150642)

Revenant | g1 10bo
ennedi🐊🔅 (#150642)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 17:00:09


Lioden ID, Side and Main:
Preferred Name:
What tier are you signing up for?: [TIER ONE AND TWO AVAILABLE AT THE MOMENT]
Are you willing to send in the SB required to stay on the waitlist?:

Also, we have enough GB to provide four retirements!

If you're interested in donating, please message #150642 about the details!

Pending Approval: [members who've signed up but are not in the clan/discord]
Lioden ID, Side and Main: Main- 244299, Side- 247751
Preferred Name:Lizard
What tier are you signing up for?: Tier Two
Are you willing to send in the SB required to stay on the waitlist?: Yep!
Extra: :)

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Edited on 21/03/23 @ 02:35:39 by Yamushu (#150642)

Revenant | g1 10bo
ennedi🐊🔅 (#150642)

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Posted on
2023-03-13 18:19:46

these kings were paid for and provided by Lioden HQ



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Edited on 09/07/23 @ 08:22:44 by Yamushu (#150642)

Soda (#421416)

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Posted on
2023-03-14 18:10:07
Hey! May I retire my king? I only started lioden a few weeks ago, Ik he’s a primal and have some apps used on him, only bc I friend gave me some things 😭 I am hoping to sign up to teir three if that’s okay! I need to see the male first tho :)

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Revenant | g1 10bo
ennedi🐊🔅 (#150642)

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Posted on
2023-03-14 20:57:03
Hi! Tier three isn't open for signup. In the future, please use the signup form.

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sirahnksalot G2
Mantle (#392788)

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Posted on
2023-03-16 08:28:45
what if i dont feel comfy using discord?

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sirahnksalot G1 NHR
Ennedi (#392767)

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Posted on
2023-03-16 08:30:22
hey can i donate some heir-worthy lions?

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Gummi (#247751)

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Posted on
2023-03-16 13:06:38
Lioden ID, Side and Main: Main- 244299, Side- 247751
Preferred Name:Lizard
What tier are you signing up for?: Tier Two
Are you willing to send in the SB required to stay on the waitlist?: Yep!
Extra: :)

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Edited on 16/03/23 @ 13:06:51 by Gummi (#247751)

Cand [G4 Anjeer
3xros] (#394042)

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Posted on
2023-03-16 14:42:20
Do we have to be new?

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Revenant | g1 10bo
ennedi🐊🔅 (#150642)

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Posted on
2023-03-16 14:50:38
@Cand (#394042)

Hey ! You have to have not retired your king before on either account. "New" and "old" don't quite matter, it just depends on if you've retired your king or not ^^


Yep! Just message me links and I'll see which ones I'll be interested in taking for the project.
As for the not feeling comfy on discord -- sorry. Discord helps us regulate everything, and ensures that I won't be directly messaging multiple players.

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Alexx HIATUS my
apologies. (#379539)

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Posted on
2023-03-16 19:43:31
Hi! I was wondering if you’d like an extra heir! I have a double rosette gal if your interested she’s a cub currently

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TTee (#135911)

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Posted on
2023-03-16 19:52:03
Lioden ID : 135911
Preferred Name: TTee
What tier are you signing up for?: Tier 2
Are you willing to send in the SB required to stay on the waitlist?: Yup!
Extra: <3

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Revenant | g1 10bo
ennedi🐊🔅 (#150642)

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Posted on
2023-03-17 03:06:49
Hey TTee! I noticed you've retired your king before, and therefore can't enter at this time. Sorry for the inconvience!

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