Posted by Heir help

razor (#249501)

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Posted on
2023-03-23 20:37:48
I'm currently looking for a new heir (and yes ik that my king is no where near the age of retirement but I like planning ahead.) I'm looking for a suitable heir with a breed only base, mostly looking for leonid or dawn. I found a leonid cub on the tc that could def be a great heir but heres the problem: I already have a heir thats a penta dawn without the dawn base or eyes. Just the markings. He's very pretty and I rlly like him but then again I so desperately want a heir with a breed only base. Should I end up selling my planned heir and buying the leonid cub or stick with my planned heir?
Link to heir:
Also, whatever heir I stick with is getting heritage repped and then I'm gonna slap on a mod (ticked).

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Erik (#210671)

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Posted on
2023-03-23 20:40:29
id say sell the dawn. apart from the marks, nothing much about him is too desirable and now with the large number of dawn mark/base kings it has become a bit boring

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