Posted by Wykd World Explores✨ (CLOSED)

AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2023-04-08 20:00:31

Wykd World Explores

It all started with cats... But then came so much more!
So many creatures and species to explore and find!

ALL creatures on this thread are unique, probably dumb, doodles.
|| NO bases. NO linearts. ||


(Please use for crediting purposes)

(Upon request, I will upload and send all critters to you directly through TH.
Elsewise, grab them directly off the thread.)



No adopts added yet, Check out EXPLORES below!


(ALL explores are guaranteed to find you ONE critter. However, a friend might tag along with them if you get very very lucky!)

Cinder Valley
Also known as... The Kitty Community!
Here cats seem to live in abundance, in all manner of shapes and sizes, and with many other earthly species. Some are slightly strange or shrewd, but most are very kind and quite welcoming to strangers like you! Maybe you could find a friend for life here...

(Here you may find: Well... Cats, mainly! Sometimes other rather earthly species, and rarely, a hybrid or some strange critter! Although who knows what might wander in!)
5 - OPEN

Sapphire Seas
Many argue it may just be the most beautiful place of these four, the sea shinning brilliantly like a gem! Gorgeous coral reefs sprawl from near to far just under the pristine waters, flooded with all manner of sea life.
Many creatures come just to gawk along the shores, or to find a tasty seafood dinner, Mmmm... Hey, who's judging?!?!!

(Here you may find: Fish, Marine mammals/reptiles, Amphibians, Crustaceans, Hybrids, and much more... Although who knows what might wander in!)
8 - OPEN

Golden Plateau
The entire land seems covered with strange, golden, slightly tacky threads. Some sway in the breeze, and others make up intricate, bizarre patterns.
A strange yet beautiful place... Few wander as far the Golden Plateau, and even fewer stay due to the dangers that seem to lurk in the night. Tales of strange and fierce creatures, many are warned away from staying long.
Here you may find beasties with multiple eyes, limbs, and whatever other oddities that might be at large...

(Here you may find: Arachnids, Insects, Crustaceans, Hybrids, and much more... Although who knows what might wander in!)

A dead, empty place. Fissures have ripped open the ground, and strange purple-blue-green vapors now pour from the vents regularly, leaving the land largely uninhabitable to most species.
Few live in the Blightlands these days, and most who do aren't.. Quite so alive.
Others have bizarrely adapted, or grown far stronger than their companions to survive.

(Here you may find: Hybrids, Monsters, Deities, Undead, Spirits, and much more... Although who knows what might wander in!)
(FAIR WARNING - Creatures from here can be unsightly and disturbing! You've been warned!)


These are MADE TO ORDER. (Mostly). Be patient. 1 Explore per slot.
They are random. You may NOT make specific species requests.
**Exception for USD

ANY species and mutation can appear in ANY explore region.

1 - TiredHybrid (#144980) // PAID // Blightlands x1
2 - Dandelion Cat (#370334) // PAID // Blightlands x1
3 - Gaster (#152881) // PAID // CinderValley x1
4 - Gaster (#152881) // PAID // CinderValley x1
5 - Gaster (#152881) // PAID // CinderValley x1
6 - Detriment (#144854) // PAID // CinderValley x1
7 - Detriment (#144854) // PAID // Golden Plateau x1
8 - TiredHybrid (#144980) // PAID // Sapphire seas x1
9 - Siyvee (#46507) // PAID // Sapphire Seas x1
10 - Siyvee (#46507) // PAID // Golden Plateau x1
11 - Siyvee (#46507) // PAID // Blightlands x1
12 - Coyote| G1 (#244827) // PAID // Sapphire seas x1
13 - Coyote| G1 (#244827) // PAID // Blightlands x1
14 - Bread (#101361) // PAID // CinderValley x1
15 - Bread (#101361) // PAID // Golden Plateau x1
16 - Bread (#101361) // PAID // Blightlands x1
17 - Siyvee (#46507) // PAID // Golden Plateau x1
18 - Siyvee (#46507) // PAID // Blightlands x1
19 - Dandelion Cat (#370334) // PAID // CinderValley x1
20 - Dandelion Cat (#370334) // PAID // Blightlands x1
20 - GaySyrup (#177301) // REFUNDED // Blightlands x1
21 - - Siyvee (#46507) // PAID // Cinder valley x1
22 - - Siyvee (#46507) // PAID // Sapphire seas x1


1$ USD = 2 = 2000
I do NOT accept Lions.
I MIGHT accept Breeding items.


- Payment must be received before I will send your character(s).
- You may trade / gift / resell your character. Do NOT resell them for more than you paid.
- Paying with actual USD enables you to buy bulk orders outside of slots! That means even if I'm "CLOSED" you can still order, and have priority!

- You may NOT commercialize my artwork or use it for NFTs / AI art.
- You may edit / redesign / change species / etc of the character you have bought.
- Do NOT under any circumstance remove or alter my Signature / Watermarking.


HTML by Quake#69866

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Edited on 19/12/23 @ 15:53:22 by AVOIID (#103536)

AVOIID (#103536)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-09 19:20:44
@Detriment (#144854)

You start your Journey wandering through Cinder valley. Easy breezy! You almost immediately stumble upon a bug eyed cat who absolutely refuses to leave your side... Well, I guess he's yours now!

Continuing your journey, you eagerly make your way to the Golden Plateaus, ground slightly springy underfoot due to all the silky threads thickly coating the ground. You feel your spine tingle as though a pair of eyes are set upon you, and turn wearily to meet face-to-face with a giant, venomous, and DEADLY, spider!

Your bug-eyed friend screams in a panic and begins fleeing, so you take off after them! Not before tripping over a skittering isopod, of course! You apologize quickly, scooping them up and taking off again after your cat! GET BACK HERE DAMNIT!

Unnatural, Basic cat.

Natural, Basic crustacean.

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TiredHybrid (#144980)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-04-09 19:28:52
GB has been dropped into thys pockets B)

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Siyvee (#46507)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-04-09 19:38:31
*drops a bunch of gold beetles in front of you, curiously watching them scuttle around*

"You've peaked my interest. Blightlands, Golden Plateau and Sapphire Seas seem to be calling my name."

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AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2023-04-09 19:59:07
@Gaster (#152881)

Deciding you need another furry friend to decorate your home, you decide to make another trip down to Cinder Valley!
Your two previous companions trundling after you, you take a stroll through the bright green grass, admiring the beautiful bright blue sky, clouds scudding serenely across.

Almost hypnotized by the beautiful day, you lay down in the grass and spend most of the day lounging and enjoy the nice weather with your companions.
When you get up to leave.. You can't help but notice someone new has sheepishly tagged along! They seem a little nervous, but happy to be a part of things.

Natural, Long Neck+Tail cat.

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GasRat (#152881)

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Posted on
2023-04-09 20:00:26

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AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2023-04-09 20:05:28

Alright, explores closed for now!
No more will be accepted after this point until I post that we are open again!

I have 5 more to do, and I'll probably get to them tonight/tomorrow!

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Edited on 09/04/23 @ 20:05:51 by AVOIID (#103536)

AVOIID (#103536)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-10 01:46:11
@TiredHybrid (#144980)

You decide to start your journey in the Blightlands... Quite the treacherous one!

Leaping over rocks, crawling up boulders, you seem to navigate your terrain adeptly, until a geyser blasts you out of nowhere!

Screaming, you stumble back and fiercely grip your burn arm before regretting it, holding it out oddly from your body in an attempt to alleviate your pain. Coming here wasn't the greatest idea after all.
You struggle back along the way you came from, finding it much more difficult to navigate the terrain with one arm and find your self stuck, screaming out in frustration and pain!

You almost immediately regret it, hearing rock shift behind you as you whip around with fear. What was that??!!?
You find a strange one armed beast towering above you, its tail whipping and fierce eyes glaring down at you. Terror prickling at your skin, as you make to run, the creature grabs you by your good arm and huffs in irritation.
It seems to want to help you!

Walking around the shoreline, your wounds bandaged and well on their way to healing, you relax and enjoy the views with your new strange friend. Sharing snacks and building sand castles, it isn't long before a large lizard scuttles up to you, tongue flicking excitedly at the smells of food.
It seems to want to share a bite with you!

Unnatural, Legendary hybrid.

Natural, Chunky reptile.

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TiredHybrid (#144980)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-04-10 01:54:22
I may have already expressed my enjoyment for them both but I will also do it here bC oOoOOOOHHHOHOHOOOO I FUCKING LOVE THEMM >:D!!!!!

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AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2023-04-10 13:04:18

+ Added 2 OPEN slots

- Working on current 3 rn

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Coyote | G1 RLC (#244827)

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Posted on
2023-04-10 13:26:49
Hi! I would like a Sapphire Seas and Blightlands please :)

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AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2023-04-10 13:31:22


Slots full again, I'll get to these asap ^^
(Please pay so I can get started on em soon!)

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Edited on 10/04/23 @ 13:32:01 by AVOIID (#103536)

Dandelion Cat (#370334)

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Posted on
2023-04-10 16:13:55
I’m excited for when this opens again. Been doodling my lovely little guy (worm god is great) and I want a friend for them

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Detriment (#144854)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-04-10 17:33:55

Due to recent events, Avoiid is unable to finish the last 5 submissions (3 from Siyvee (#46507), and 2 from Coyote| G1 (#244827)) for the moment, as his graphics card threw sparks, and his PC isn't working/turning on.

If you are still interested in your explores, then we ask you please be patient. It may be a while before he can get to them, because he needs to get a new graphics card (And/Or potentially other computer parts) before he can do anything.

Thank you for your patience and support!

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Edited on 10/04/23 @ 17:38:19 by Detriment (#144854)

AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2023-04-10 17:39:37

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Siyvee (#46507)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-04-10 18:07:51
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that D':

I'm absolutely okay waiting, as long as you need! Hope it's nothing awful and you won't have to replace too many parts ; ;

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