Posted by Odd comment bug?

University Alumnus (#178221)

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Posted on
2023-04-17 18:32:44
I tried commenting on someone's page:
"Saw you bought my primal cub and gave her a little flower <3 Happy to see she went to someone who loves her already >^-^< "
and it posted as:
"Saw you bought my primal cub and gave her a little flower ^-^"
It seemed to get rid of half of the comment, the heart emoticon, and the 2nd emoticon's arms. Is this normal? I thought maybe I hit a character limit, but then why would the 2nd emoticon still be there (albeit without it's arms), then I thought maybe the comment system has an odd filtering system/ doesn't support characters like <, >, or numbers
I'm a little confused haha, anyone know what's up with that?
(Also I'm hoping that the forums don't have this same issue or this post is gonna be incomprehensible)

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Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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Posted on
2023-04-17 18:35:55
Yes, it's probably related to special characters like that. It's most likely a measure put in place to prevent things like trying to post lines of code in peoples' shoutboxes. I'm sure there's a character limit that would prevent significant exploits anyway, but it's probably another safety measure.

It is really odd the way it chopped up your comment, though.

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