Posted by DU or hybrid - which is better for my project?

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-04-20 17:11:12
Basically trying to weigh my options and get the best bang for my buck. I have one Ochre Gnawrock and one Ochre Saltlick. They're both hella expensive right now so I don't want to buy or trade for any more until September lmao.

For my dream king, I need the following qualities:
Specific BO special base
Daisy or Gazania eyes
Tsavo Briar mane
BO skin, Pale most likely
Mottled rosette AND mottled stripes

My goal is essentially having everything that is exclusively breed only so that I can fill in the rest with a fat RMA project lol.

I have a Leopon with mottled rosette and mottled stripes, as well as briar soft rosette. So if I use all of my salty rocks and things to get the desired eyes, skin, and mane while using the gnaw on her mottled stripes, the chance is marginally higher to get mottled rosette to also pass since Leopons naturally boost their hybrid exclusive marking pass rate. However, she can only have 3 or 4 cubs at most, so the chances of my base passing are lower.

I also have a DU with mottled stripes and mottled rosette. With her I would be forced to only use the gnaw on one of the two markings. Chances of them both passing would be very low. But she can have twice as many cubs, which doubles my chances of the special base passing. With one of the two markings on a king, after September I'll be able to use 2 gnaws per breeding to guarantee both of the mottled markings to pass.

So I'm a bit torn. Chances are low for either of the breedings to be successful, but I'd like the best odds I can get!

(If one fails, maybe I'll just spend some more GB cause I have no self control lmao)

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Marcie 🖤 [Project
WIP] (#148390)

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Posted on
2023-04-21 15:55:00
Even if you get a prismatic cub and one mark from the DU you still will need to get the other mark and who is to say the prismatic will pass again when you need it to.

Using 2 gnaws for the DU and whatever stud is the best chance you have, but, even if you do that still no guarantee that the prismatic will pop up.

So what I would do is get another gnaw or wait until you can.

I haven’t looked at your DU but the best chance you have of getting a prismatic and all the marks is making sure both are in the red dark solid group. No idea what the base is but if it’s just an applicator or not important I would actually apply a base within this group to your DU to boost your chance of getting a prismatic, you’ll get more cubs and guarantee the marks will pass. So that would be the best thing you could do even if you have to wait.

I absolutely would not jump into this with one gnaw, but if you are going to do it…do it with the pon. The marks have a very good chance of passing, with the DU, even if there’s a few extra cubs, you now have to have a marking and a base with a super low pass rate to pass on the same cub. So yes, double the cubs but double the expectations. If you do the pon, and the base is not important, I would swap it to the same group as prismatic just as I recommended for the DU.

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Edited on 21/04/23 @ 15:58:06 by Marcie 🧂 (#148390)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-04-21 16:20:58
Thank you for your response Marcie The base is actually Bandit - it's my "side" project technically, though the two breeding lions in question are located on this account. I suppose that's irrelevant, haha.

I'm also dreading having to use only one gnaw, but my side stud is unfortunately the only stud with the eyes, mane, and skin that I need, and she doesn't have either of the mottled markings. Gotta start somewhere I guess, unless I get lucky on my one breeding here! x)

My pon comes into heat tomorrow, and the DU in 10 days. I'll be freezing the pon on May 1st, so it'll be my last heat with her until October when I have gnaws, so I'm thinking I'll probably use the items on the pon and get dud cubs, then annoyedly purchase another gnaw and saltlick for the DU, lol. My wallet!

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Marcie 🖤 [Project
WIP] (#148390)

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Posted on
2023-04-21 16:31:38
Oh yeah then it looks like the pon is your best bet that’ll be rough but the same base group type is still really relevant in this case

I just kind of assumed it was prismatic because of your main lion(I love) but yeah, a cub born with both a naturally passing base and MS or MR is more unlikely even with extra cubs born from the DU

But good luck either way it sounds really cool and I wish you luck!!

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-04-22 06:26:13
The pon heat has officially failed ;o; Now I begin my quest for more ochres lmao

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