Posted by Adoption Center
Nycole (#428557)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-05-09 08:54:23
So I started an adoption center, and an potential adoptee came to me and said that some of my adoption center may not line up with the code of conduct. Am I allowed to post rules (ex. don't immediately resell, chase, or give to gorillas)? I know that people won't keep these lions forever and I know that they will eventually be traded, sold, or chased off. But I want this adoption center to be about expanding peoples prides. I closed the adoption center for now until I get all of this figured out because I do not want to risk doing something wrong and being banned.

I know I can't control peoples actions because once I transfer that cub it is theirs. But am I allowed to stop adopting out to that person if I notice that person breaking the rules (mainly immediately selling, chasing, giving to gorillas) multiple times? Idk if that is allowed when it comes to this because I've seem multiple adoption centers that have rules you have to follow and multiple that haven't. I just personally don't want to continue trading with that person because my dream for this adoption center is to help out people that may not get a certain base or marking just due to the fact that it's an applicator or breed only, etc. I just need to know, because I may need to change how I'm doing this.

Thank you for your time and wisdom I'm trying to do this right, I'm just not sure how to go about it.

Plus any tips on how to run an adoption center are more than welcome

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-05-10 13:26:53
Black Listing publically is against the Code of Conduct; so you're not allowed to post a list of people you blacklisted anywhere. However, nobody stops you from having a private no-deal list, or directly blocking people via Block system.

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Chinook (#212440)

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Posted on
2023-05-09 18:22:28
You are allowed to set your own set of "rules" (preferences, really, because people may not follow them), such as not telling them to kill/chase/resell.
Whatever happens to the cub once you give it away will be overall out of your control, and the best you can do is voice to people what you'd like for them to do/not to do with the lion, but there's no guarantee they'll listen.

Do whatever you want, make your own rules up, block/blacklist whoever you'd like if they're not following them. You are not violating the code of conduct at all, not sure why whoever said that to you did that in the first place. But if you have any further questions, I'd suggest taking it to the modbox

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Edited on 09/05/23 @ 18:26:01 by Chinook (#212440)

Nycole (#428557)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-05-10 12:47:23
I was told that black listing someone is against Code of Conduct and that it could get you banned, that was the main concern

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