Posted by Question about heirs

Loki (#301078)

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Posted on
2023-05-10 07:34:35
When in the retire cooldown is it best to start preparing a heir?

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Dork [G1 Qahir
Svelte Pie] (#277938)

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Posted on
2023-05-10 07:45:28
So, the long and short of this is:

It depends on what exactly you want for your heir. Keep in mind that a year in lioden time is twelve rollovers. So, if you roll over every day, 12 days.. If you crown your king at 2 years old, you have approx 144-156 roll overs to do the thing (or about 4-6 months if you roll over every day).

I have been trying to breed my next heir for the last 6-8 months and just haven't been having luck. Though, I also don't roll over every day most events.

If you're just looking for something "nice", I would start looking when your king/queen is between 10-12 years old. If you're trying for combo bases, multi rosettes, etc, I would start as early as possible. Especially if you're silly like me and trying to breed something that doesn't yet exist on lioden. ^^;

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