Posted by Help me pick my heir!

Ramune [15 BO
Jellynnedi] (#46341)

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Posted on
2023-05-17 08:35:58
So I am bad at decisions. Very, very bad. And I need to make a very important decision for my side!
I am presented with FOUR difficult options.

Option 1: Go with the heir below and mut rep with a G1 primal fangs.
Option 2: Go with the heir below and mut rep with a G2 ferus (thank you mukombero!)
Option 3: Fancy up an Abyssinian groupie with banana eyes!
Option 4: Fancy up an Abyssinian groupie with banana eyes and mut rep with a G2 ferus!
(You can click to see their profiles!)

Lion A has a very rare slot (9) for algae rogue and well, I just think he's neat!
Lion B however is a blank slate! And I adore Abyssinian. But I also don't know what I would want to either breed onto him or how to design him otherwise!

Lion A's options:

No pics for Lion B because he's just a rather blank Abyssinian at the moment.

Toss me a lifesaver and help me decide?

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-05-17 08:57:42
The Abyssinian might be a fun BO project to start :3 I do like the MS cub as well - he's very interesting looking! But I generally have a high preference for BO bases if given the choice, so I'm a bit biased towards the Abyssinian right now.

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Rin Spiritwolf (#20915)

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Posted on
2023-05-17 10:52:43

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