Posted by Perfect dorsal fur cub
Ethan (Interstellar
Smilus) (#415060)

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Posted on
2023-05-26 18:35:19
Hey there!

I’m looking for advice on what would make the most valuable dorsal fur cub; I’m close to the guarantee from the event and want to make the best/most valuable lion I can with it.

Priorities, in order:

-Appearance (want to get rare skin, eyes, and markings. I have base applicators, so I’m not concerned with base rarity.)

-Stats. I don’t expect anything crazy, but given my king has 6,600+ stats, I want the cub to be born with at least 900 stats.

-Clean(?). I personally do not care about it, but it could effect sale value of future dorsal furs, I think? Honestly, I’m not too sure, given how valuable dorsal furs are— would it effect their value to other players much?

Ideal skin colors:

Eggshell blue

Ideal marking colors:


Ideal eye colors:

Heterochromia (green and blue, blue and ice, yellow and green)
Sectoral (almost any)

Ideal mane color:

Would love to pass down my king’s cotton candy mane color, so if the lioness I breed to has that, huge bonus.

If you have any tips or a lioness that would be good to reverse breed for this, let me know.

I’m not expecting to be able to get all of these traits, but as many as possible.

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ellu | g1 10xbo noc (#139157)

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Posted on
2023-05-26 20:44:41
I don't think you should focus on looks with the dorsal cub. you have a lot of stats so I think thats where you should invest regarding the female you breed your king to. the cub could have a lot of value if you bred your king to a high stat female

but if you really want it to come out looking good then buy a lioness with the desired skin and eyes and home your kings mane passes. if it dosent maybe buy the app?

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