Posted by Ligers...? [ UPDATED IDEAS ]

g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2023-06-02 10:53:20
Hey Lioden!

This isn't fully a suggestion, more of an idea spread!

Ligers are the result of a Male lion and a Female tigress breeding and birthing an hybrid,unlike Tigons, who are the results of Female lion and Male tiger breeding's.

Now, this is a lion sim, we cant have tigresses in our prides, of course, not only because it'd be completely inaccurate but also because Tigers are solitary and would never live in groups. But because of this, having Ligers born inside the pride would be impossible...

But, it does not mean that a king Lion couldn't have Liger babies. We just need a Tigress... which, we don't have, but it doesn't mean that cant be added as an encounter at some point.

Now, even if our kings were to produce Liger babies... It would not make any sense for the Tigress to give the cub, as, well let's not be unrealistic, a mother big cat would not give her cubs.


She could abandon them, especially an odd-looking Liger!
Ligers are lighter in color, and would have some very low hunting abilities. Therefore, when a Tigress seeing her cub having trouble like this: potentially putting the other cubs at risks... The Tigress could abandon the cub, leaving it.

And, it wouldn't be impossible for a lioness... Who would've just given birth, to feel a connection with a lone cub... and take it into a pride.

Therefore... a female lioness could have a VERY LOW chance of finding and adopting a first generation Liger upon rollover.

Health note:
When checking your cubs, you notice that [Lioness] is hiding an additional cub that wasn't there before. When you ask her to show you the cub, she seems nervous, after showing you an odd-looking cub, she admits having found it alone in the wild. The [cub] is a Liger!

Of course, let's not forget that Devs, artists and Coders have a lot on their hands at the moment!(New bases every month, Spirited male pose & work of the jaglions. Along with an insane amount of decor/encounters to update & create) So, if you like this idea, I am very glad, but I in no way want anyone trying to talk to devs about this. As much as it would be fun, having more then 3 hybrids in the game could, both crash the economy & make the game confusing for everyone! This is just me sharing fun stuff i came up with! thank you :)

Think this couldn't happen? Take a look at this:

This suggestion has 208 supports and 25 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 16:40:04 by 🦎Eli🦎2100/3000 bloodBeetles (#244875)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 07:15:04
No support then; I disagree that a nursing lioness with alive cubs would even consider adopting a stray cub. In all cases nursing cats that already HAVE cubs would rather attack a stray cub they see, than adopt it, because their instincts are telling them to protect their own cubs, and any cubs not smelling the same as her own trigger the feline mother to treat them as threat, instead. All documented cases of a wild feline adopting a non-related offspring happened when said feline have lost their own offspring in some way shortly before this adoption, Only human involvement - making the kittens/cubs smell the same as the mother etc. - can lead to other results (only in partial cases - but in the other part, the mother cat, big cat or domestic cat, will still attack and eat non-related cubs, which is the reason why its hard to find surrogate mothers for orphaned kittens - not all cats will tolerate them!), in the nature however, a mother feline would sooner think the stay cub is a threat looking to harm her already present cubs.
"Hormones through the roof" would only make her adopt another cub if she had no cubs of her own currently. With already present own cubs, she'd instead go "WHAAAT another feline, how dare you come near MY babies?! Kill kill kill!!" which is what happens in nature. Even the daddy lion sometimes gets a big slap on the face for coming too close to the cubs! There's simply no chance a lioness would just adopt a stray other species cub if she already had her own cubs to love and care for, her hormones will be 100% fixed on them and ignore any others.

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Edited on 30/08/23 @ 07:25:20 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 12:23:20
I mean- Sure alright thanks for the feedbacks

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GOOSE (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 12:25:25
100th support! i feel like this is a good idea

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 12:25:46
Thank you! :D

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
16/15 DR Nadir (#127995)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 16:31:02
Hello, I am supporting this as well as giving reasons why a lioness would indeed adopt a stray cub.

As someone with knowledge with animal instincts as well as a great deal of research having been done on several species similar to lions, it is very possible for a lioness to adopt cubs that are not their own, sometimes of entirely different species!

Lionesses, in general, tend to raise their litters alongside their fellow lionesses, sometimes even nursing cubs that aren't their own!

Lionesses in the wild are some of the most protective, as well as the most instinctive mothers in the wild. They are fiercely protective of their cubs, even from their own fathers!

That being said the argument can be made " But the lioness would kill the cub! " that is true, however not in this circumstances.

Lionesses rarely kill their own cubs, and if they do its because they already know the cub is too sick to survive. As we can see within Lioden, though, this doesn't happen. Lethal cubs, which would've been killed by their mothers in the wild, are here on Lioden.

The second argument could be made that " But what about the king? The king ALWAYS kills cubs that aren't his own "

Also true! But we happen to have both Tigons and Leopons already present in game.

So, as extra proof of this being not only plausible but real, here is an article about a lioness adopting a Leopard cub as her own, even nursing it!

Meet Nosikitok, The first lioness to adopt a cub from a different species!

Here is an excerpt from this article:

" She is physiologically primed to take care of baby cats, and the little leopard fits the bill – it is almost exactly the age of her own cubs and physically very similar to them. "

It can be noted that in this, it still says the pride would likely kill the cub. However, the argument was not if the pride would, it was if the lioness was capable of caring for a cub not her own.

And again, we have leopons and Tigons already, and they too would've been killed by the pride, it's why we rarely see hybrids in the wild. Tigers aren't even in the region, which is why we had to add Lore to add them into the game. If we can do it for that, why not for this? There is no reason not to based on the argument being made. ESPECIALLY for a fantasy game about colorful lions.

Thank you for joining my Ted talk.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 17:10:18
Ligers are entirely just too similar in appearance to tigons imo- and regarding tigers in the region, there is exactly one, and he's male. Adding in several hundred female tigers and a whole new mechanic for weaning cubs with no existing mother is much less plausible. No support. I don't see how this would be visually any different from tigons and I'd rather the staff focus on more unique hybrids instead.

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
16/15 DR Nadir (#127995)

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2023-10-15 17:18:04
I don't think they'd need to add NPCs like they did with Ashkarn, so they wouldn't be adding in "several hundred females", perhaps 1 female tiger for Lore purposes, similarly to how Ashkarn is just 1 possible father for a tigon (as not all tigons are related to him) ^.^

I can see the argument of similarity however, but that's neither here nor there.

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 17:43:27
as stated, literally in the title, this isnt a serious suggestion its just a re-idealizing of the already-made liger suggestion thread :)

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 18:32:38
Every tigon in the game is related to Ashkarn- he's listed as the father for every first-gen gon. And they can't only have one female tiger producing every litter of ligons, multiple times per day- while Ashkarn can just do the do with as many lionesses as he wants, a female tiger would have a gestation period, weaning period, time before she'd be able to breed again, etc. There would realistically have to be several hundred females roaming around, even if they weren't all named NPCs- and there would have to be a reason as to why several hundred tigers are suddenly in the area. It's easy enough to say "this one tiger happened to escape from a zoo" but that doesn't work with such a large scale. Mostly, though, that's semantics- the biggest part is that I see no point to having a distinction between tigons and ligers.
Tigons are ingame because their breeding mechanic meshes with regular breeding and it's easy enough to introduce a lone male tiger to produce them all. Ligers are not (imo) visually distinct enough so I don't think it's justifiable to bring in a whole new breeding mechanic for essentially a differently-posed tigon whose first gen appearance happens to have a lighter base color.
And I get that this isn't a serious suggestion but it is in the mutation suggestions subforum and I figured I'd give my two cents

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 18:47:49
imma honest, ty very much for the feedback, but if "One tiger cant have this many cubs" then think about this: Can a single male lion/tiger have, realisticly over 300 cubs? nope!! :D

So, although i do understand what you mean, only having 1 male tiger isnt very logical Either!!

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Edited on 15/10/23 @ 18:48:11 by 🦎Eli🦎2100/3000 bloodBeetles (#244875)

EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 19:04:48
It isn't, in general- but for this game, 1 (immortal) male tiger is on the edge of illogical, a single male lion having 300+ cubs is normal for mass-breeders, and a lioness having multiple litters of cubs every week or even day without using breeding items is just not a thing that happens. So Ashkarn fathering every first-gen gon is illogical but not the weirdest thing in LD, whereas one female tiger being the mother of every first-gen liger in the game would be fully illogical in the context of this game- there would have to be hundreds of them in the area to make sense and they would need a reason to even be in the continent. (Also if it was just one tiger, she'd probably figure out at some point that all her cubs were turning out to be the same weird pale hybrids and either stop breeding or stop abandoning them lol)

Could be interesting to have a prototiger primal variant, though, as ancestors of tigers did live in Africa once

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
16/15 DR Nadir (#127995)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 19:18:22
I am confused now.

This is literally a game, anything could happen, so the whole argument is invalid- by that logic 1 female tiger could be barked to have several litters daily then..? I mean I get the argument but we have space dragons and literal portals to multiple after life's, I understand the argument of similarity but like, it's just an interesting idea imo.

Besides, if we're going for "realism" anyway here, we shouldn't anthropomorphize animals with human feelings. The whole argument is weird because it teeters from realism to game logic. Besides, who's to say Ashkarn was the only escapee? Who's to say that a tiger wasn't on lend for a Breeding program and was accidentally lost? Who's to say this female tiger isn't also immortal like Ashkarn and can therefore produce infinite liger cubs?

(Also as much as I agree that they are indeed very similar, tigons are more tiger like and smaller while Ligers are far larger and more lion like, patterning is similar yes but also the size difference would be cool to play with, because Ligers are more tiger-sized and thus bigger than normal lions. Besides the idea of hybrid variants is an unexplored possibility that could prove interesting for the VERY far future of lioden. And as stated on this post, this idea is not meant to be the new upcoming feature. )

But everyone is entitled to their own opinion ^.^

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Espenfalls ✧ G1
16/15 DR Nadir (#127995)

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Posted on
2023-10-15 19:28:45
Sorry one more thing--

Felis and Ferus are 2 primal variants we have in game. Their difference? A slight pose change and Ferus has long cheek fluff. They have extremely similar body and facial structure and both feature short tails.

Primal fangs is just a longer overgrown fangs places slightly different.

I could swap the names of several mane muties and no one would notice.

Melanism and Achronomia are just recolors of one another.

We have several very similar to almost a pointless degrees in game, including markings bases and apps. However people love them for their differences all the same! Maybe they're not extremely different, but the point in a collectors game like this is variety ^.^

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lover (#270490)

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Posted on
2023-10-23 13:39:23
i know one of the devs has toyed with the idea of Ligers in chat before, i was there but it was a while ago so correct me if i get some of this wrong. the way they it could be done is an extremely rare tigress RL/RT that would have a small chance of producing a liger upon birthing. But i think this idea is absolutely amazing and i wanna see it happen at some point in the future ^^

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g1 ambro VESSO (#244875)

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Posted on
2023-10-23 13:41:16
OHHH yk what? just gave me an AWESOME idea: a very single tigress, w/ mechanics like the RL's : but instead of owning her its just 1 breeding : in which she gives a liger baby, maybe like once a year lmao, that would be neat!

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