Posted by Combo Breeding Patches and Piebalds

Dante ~ Project King
[Main] (#80013)

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Posted on
2023-06-09 06:45:06
We have so many Piebald and Patches MoDs now (33 in total), and with more and more being released every Black Friday, it's getting a little crazy. Brilliant, but crazy in terms of choosing between them, which reduces the demand for each type.

So I thought, why not try something a little different - combo breeding for Piebalds and Patches? These would work pretty similar to combo bases,

Some basic rules:

- Like bases, a combo Piebald / Patches can only pass when two factors are bred together. But the factors themselves could still pass individually

- Combos have to be of the same type - e.g. two patches factors or two piebald factors


If Panda was a factor with Fissure for a combo base named Smudge (random name for the example, could be whatever the devs wanted it to be), the results could be as follows:

- Panda stud X non-mutated lioness = panda or non-patches cubs
- Non-mutated stud X panda lioness = panda or non-patches cubs
- Fissure stud X non-mutated lioness = fissure or non-patches cubs
- Non-mutated stud X fissure lioness = fissure or non-patches cubs
- Panda stud x fissure lioness - panda, fissure, smudge, or non-patches cubs

Thoughts? Pass rates would still be the same as they currently are, so it wouldn't make piebalds / patches any more common, but would just give a third option for the pass in combo cases.

This suggestion has 11 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/06/23 @ 06:48:46 by Dante ~ Project Stud [Main] (#80013)

Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-06-09 07:55:19
I do like the idea, though I'd be more open to it if it had a small chance of passing even when bred to a non-factor ^^ Kind of like Cosmic eyes or Royal mane (iirc!) I hardly ever try combo base breeding because I don't like being restricted to only breeding certain bases.

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Edited on 09/06/23 @ 07:58:39 by Terrinthia [G1 Dappled 3k] (#97101)

Dante ~ Project King
[Main] (#80013)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-06-09 09:02:48
@Terrinthia That's fair! I am similar with combo breeding in some cases. Maybe it could operate like a first vs future gen pon/gon.

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