Posted by teach me a secret

Leopard (#436319)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 10:24:58
soo what is a word I have to say to get BLASTED with items?

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:03:20
This'll get you the most success:
"I am willing to pay [insert fair price here] for [item wanted]".

In all honesty, there is no "special word" or phrase that's guaranteed to get you items for nothing. Sometimes there are players that are willing to give away stuff for free, but I wouldn't count on it. The game has an economy - in typical capitalistic fashion, 99% of players will want to buy the most they can for the lowest price they can find, and 99% of players want to sell their stuff for the highest price they can get.

The best way to get what you want is to participate in events and wait a few months (when prices are high) to sell the stuff you bought from it. Then buy what you want during certain events (while prices are low). Or get lucky from a raffle.

There are also giveaway Clans. You could join some of those.

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Leopard (#436319)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:06:30
I cant really pay stuff I only have 44 since I play slots alot

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astilbe🌿 (#439612)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:09:49
Then don't play slots and work for the items you so desire. Honestly just work for the items you want as there is no secret code word or anything. Event's are a good place to start since you can buy the base apps that are in some of the event shops and sell those for GB

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:20:43
Serengeti shuffle is the best minigame for currency. Costs nothing and gives good rewards for 3500+ scores.

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Leopard (#436319)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:21:34
cant get to 3500 other tricks?

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:24:56
It's easier on mobile for some people rather than PC. Others have the opposite.

Scores of 3500+ has a 400 SB reward, but I think 3000 or something can give 200 SB. Which is at least something.

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Edited on 10/06/23 @ 11:25:16 by Bandit Gambit [G1 Primal 2.5k] (#98263)

Leopard (#436319)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:25:25
other tricks?

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:29:39
Mm, can't think of anything. The market is often tough for lions so I can't really recommend anything there.

What are you doing so far? How many khepri beetles do you get per day, roughly?

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Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:35:41
Other tricks?

Get good.

We all started somewhere, save your funds, do events (apps from the storyline atm sell for 20ish GB each!), and get into something fairly reliable for funds - whether that's breeding a special base or hybrids or mutations. If you're art-inclined, you can make and sell art here for income.

You can't just expect or ask for a handout.

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Edited on 10/06/23 @ 11:36:31 by Fraekinn {7.6k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

Duckie (#100740)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:41:33
A good way to make money, at least it was for me when I first started out, is to hunt as much as possible and just sell the carcasses. If you hunt five lionesses for all of their hunts you can usually make around 400-500SB a day. If you are able to save up 100 uses you can sell them all for 1gb. As already stated Serengeti shuffle is a great way to make money too, as well as the monkey and snake game. People like the decor and backgrounds given by that game and they are usually not too hard to sell on branch.

You don't just magically get rich on lioden, and for most people it can take months to amass a good amount of wealth. You just have to keep saving up for what you want and try not to get discouraged when it takes a bit of time.

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Edited on 10/06/23 @ 11:43:40 by Duckie (#100740)

Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-06-10 11:54:57
Looking at your territory spaces, I feel that I could also mention that spending SB on territory is a waste. You can get up to 40 spaces for free by fighting other players' lions.

Go to Search on Crossroads, select "Main Male", and on the top right, input a level of 7 (2 less than yours) to make sure they are able to be fought by you. Input a lower amount of stats than your male at the bottom. Make sure to switch it from "at least" to "No more than".

Here's a link to it already complete:

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