Posted by Making Life Hard for Myself

Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-06-11 12:35:49

New Breeding Projects!!!So. I've returned after a several year break from LD during university and I want a bit of a challenge. In other words, I have nothing better to do than try and make myself cry over pixel lions. I've decided to make the lion of my dreams in the wardrobe and do my best to make her come to life. She's got a lot of BO traits.

You might say this is impossible! I'd say I like challenges. I'll be funding this with a mass CRB breeding project on this account while I try to whip both my main and side back into shape. Oh, and actually, I'm starting this project by doing a smaller, only slightly easier breeding project that will hopefully end with a queen for my other account (#440498).

I've been keeping you in suspense! My bad. Without further ado, let's look at these projects!

HTML Template: katie 🌿 (#106445) [link]
CRB Project Template: Tharkenta [13x
Ros|G1] (#160101) [link]

Table of ContentsUpdates:
Breeding Project Queen
CRB Project

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Edited on 02/11/23 @ 10:38:12 by Calliandra (#70593)

Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-06-11 12:35:54

Rival QueenFirst off, this one actually has some lore connected to it. I'm revamping my pride and writing up lore and everything. The story is that Trithrinax, the king on this account, is actually the son of βœ£π•Έπ–†π–—π–Œπ–”π–“βœ£, the queen of my side account. He left her pride as an adolescent due to her cruelty and is building his own pride from the ground up. The two clans are in bitter rivalry and constantly clash due to their old history and conflicting worldviews.

Soon enough, βœ£π•Έπ–†π–—π–Œπ–”π–“βœ£ will give birth to another son, who will eventually take over the pride. This breeding project is my immediate goal.

Now. . . this is going to be a challenge.

But, again, I'm here for the challenge, and I'm starting by breeding an heir with the sunspot base to replace temporarily replace my queen. It's going to get messy and inbred for a while. . . but in the meantime I've got a random G1 groupie that I'll be statting up to immediately heritage replace and stat replace my queen after I've completed this project.

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Edited on 02/11/23 @ 10:13:40 by Calliandra (#70593)

Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-06-11 12:35:59

CRB BreedingsSo. . . I literally just started this and I have nothing to show for myself. That being said, keeping track of it here will be very convenient. The project's expansion is temporarily on hold while I bring my new king up to Dreamboat, which should happen in the next couple days at this rate.


Amount: 36 CRB'd NCLs

Total Cubs: 41
Total Mutated Cubs: 5

Total Cubs - Male: TBA%
Total Cubs - Female: TBA%
Total Mutated Cubs - Male: TBA%
Total Mutated Cubs - Female: TBA%
Average litter size: TBA
Probability of mutation:TBA

Random Mutations

Adult Mutation:..........................1
Bobbed Tail:...............................0
Folded Ears:...............................3
Overgrown Tongue:..................0

Inherited Mutations

Dorsal Fur:..................................0
Patches (Charred):.....................0
Patches (Corrupted):.................0
Patches (Cross):.........................0
Patches (Croupe):......................0
Patches (Dense):........................0
Patches (Fissure):.......................0
Patches (Fringe):.........................0
Patches (Frontal):.......................0
Patches (Panda):.........................0
Patches (Plumage):.....................0
Patches (Rift):..............................0
Patches (Shadow):......................0
Patches (Spotted):......................0
Patches (Striped):.......................0
Patches (Torn):...........................0
Patches (Uneven):......................0
Patches (Vernal):........................0
Patches (Wicked):.......................0
Piebald (Bisected):.....................0
Piebald (Broken):.......................0
Piebald (Clouded):.....................0
Piebald (Cracked):......................0
Piebald (Daedal):.......................0
Piebald (Dappled):.....................0
Piebald (Dorsal):........................0
Piebald (Echo):...........................0
Piebald (Frail):............................0
Piebald (Harlequin):..................0
Piebald (Heavy):........................0
Piebald (Light):...........................0
Piebald (Mosaic):.......................0
Piebald (Mottled):......................0
Piebald (Natural):......................0
Piebald (Overo):.........................0
Piebald (Scattered):...................0
Piebald (Shreds):.......................0
Piebald (Slender):......................0
Piebald (Subtle).........................0
Piebald (Svelte):.........................0
Piebald (Symmetrical):..............0
Piebald (Ticked):........................0
Piebald (Tobiano):.....................0
Piebald (Tovero):........................0
Piebald (Withered):....................0
Primal Fangs:..............................0
Primal (Felis):..............................1
Primal (Ferus):............................0
Primal (Smilus):...........................0

Lethal Mutations

Cleft Palate:.................................0
X - X - X
Conjoined Cubs:.........................0
X - X - X
X - X - X
X - X - X
Extra Limbs:................................0
X - X - X
Harlequin Ichtyosis:...................0
X - X - X
X - X - X
X - X - X
Two Heads:.................................0
X - X - X


X - X - X
X - X - X


The AMP's grew into the Following Mutations:

Double Uterus..................................0
Mane Feathery.................................0
Mane Fluffy.......................................0
Mane Frizzy.......................................0
Mane Fuzzy.......................................0
Mane Imperial..................................0
Mane Noble......................................0
Mane Ruffled....................................0
Mane Scruffy....................................0
Mane Shaggy....................................0
Mane Silky.........................................0
Mane Succubus................................0
Mane Villous.....................................0
Mane Whiskered..............................0
Overgrown Claws............................0
Overgrown Fur................................0
Overgrown Teeth............................0


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Edited on 24/11/23 @ 12:21:22 by Calliandra (#70593)

Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-06-11 12:36:04

Do you want to help me with these projects? I'll take basically any donations, but here are the ones I would really appreciate!

Nesting Material (any)!

Cotton Root Bark, of course, because I can never buy enough.

Cub Sex Changers

Energy Boosts, always need more of that.

For my collection lol.

Any RMA or RMA Replacers are spectacular!

GMO cow stats are left out of the CRB analysis but I'll still post them here in case folks are interested!

Same as GMO cow.

Crunchy worms are important later, but right now who cares? That's a problem for future me.

Lol I can dream.

Would cry from joy.

Might finally breed my dwarf.

Honestly, though, pure and donations are most appreciated! I'll keep track of who's donated to me before and if y'all are interested in any muties I'm selling, y'all get first pick and a discount that makes sense depending on what you've sent me.

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Edited on 02/11/23 @ 11:55:36 by Calliandra (#70593)

Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-06-11 12:36:12

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Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-11-02 11:18:26
CRB Project Batch 1

NCL Moms: 8
Cubs Born: 9
Mutated Cubs: 1
Mutations: 1 Folded Ears (sold for 350 )

Next batch born on 11-03

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Edited on 06/11/23 @ 13:25:48 by Calliandra (#70593)

Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-11-03 06:52:51
CRB Cub Batch 2

NCL Moms: 5
Cubs Born: 6
Mutated Cubs: 1
Mutations Present: AMP (Update: Mane Whiskered)

*will update if adult picture changes

Next batch born 11-06, including the lioness I used a GMO cow on.

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Edited on 10/02/24 @ 09:55:31 by Calliandra (#70593)

Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-11-06 13:23:59
CRB Cub Batch 3

NCL Moms: 5
Cubs Born: 7
Mutated Cubs: 0

GMO+CRB Litter

Cubs Born: 2
Mutated Cubs: 2
Mutations Present: Primal Felis, Tailless

*GMO+CRB Litter excluded from CRB Breeding Project numbers.

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Edited on 06/11/23 @ 13:29:38 by Calliandra (#70593)

Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-11-07 07:29:12
CRB Cub Batch 4

NCL Moms: 3
Cubs Born: 6
Mutated Cubs: 1
Mutations Present: Folded Ears

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Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-11-20 11:22:47
CRB Cub Batch 5

Moms: 7 (6 hunters/broodmothers + 1 NCL)
Cubs Born: 9
Mutated Cubs: 1
Mutations Present: Primal Felis

CRB Batch 6

Moms: 4
Cubs Born: 5
Mutated Cubs: 0

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Edited on 20/11/23 @ 11:22:59 by Calliandra (#70593)

Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-11-24 12:01:02
CRB Cub Batch 7

Moms: 4
Cubs Born: 4
Mutated Cubs: 1
Mutations Present: Folded Ears

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Calliandra (#70593)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-02-10 09:54:57
CRB Cub Batch 8

Moms: 10
Cubs Born: 17
Mutated Cubs: 1
Mutations Present: Polycaudal

CRB Cub Batch 9

Moms: 5
Cubs Born: 11
Mutated Cubs: 4
Mutations Present: Polycaudal, AMP, and Primal Fangs

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