Posted by Most valuable markings, bases, etc

Alastair (#277946)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-06-12 11:15:40
New(ish) player. Apologies if this has been asked before. I'm looking for help with markings, bases, etc. More specifically, I'm looking for help with what markings, bases, etc are the best to have, and which ones are trash.

I have a lot of lioness' that I like, because I like the way they look. But when it comes to having cubs and selling what I won't keep, I don't know what's valuable or not.

1. What markings are worth selling or hanging on to
2. What bases are the highest value right now
3. Anything else I should watch for, such as Mane or eye colors, types, etc.

Mutations I think I have a handle on. DU, dwarves, Pons and gons, etc are higher value. Primal and pies not as much.

Thank you for any help. Sorry, I'm a noob, lol.

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Chinook (#212440)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 14:18:02
Markings are put into tiers based on value, which there are 6 of. I'll name them below for your convenience, then try to answer your questions,

That being said...
1. Out of all of these, I'd say breed only and rosette markings are the most desired, though others can be quite rare and desirable as well. It all depends on the person.

2. Combo bases are and probably will always be the highest due to their specific-passing nature. However, non-combo bases like interstellar and stratosphere are also valued highly. Any base with "special" in its genetics can be in the selling range for little amounts of SB to large amounts of GB. I'd suggest looking at the current market price for those bases before selling.

3. Manes aren't remarked as highly as other traits are most of the time, however eyes also have their own sort of "tier values." If you still need more help, I'd suggest looking on the wiki or simply asking other people!

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Alastair (#277946)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-06-13 17:55:25
Thank you. That helps.

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