Posted by HOARD CLEAR OUT !!

Novazthingz (#364200)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 03:06:48

A bit of hoard spring cleaning XP Here's what I've got !!


Abandoned Cemetery x2
Aging Cremello Horse x1
Amber Fox x1
Ancestral Tree x1
Acension Night Heron x4
Bank Cormorant x1
Big Cat Headwear (Jaguar) x1 (9 uses)
Black Lored Waxbill x2
Bloodbath x1
Blue Diadem Caterpillar x3
Buried Allosaurus Skull x1 (4 uses)
Caracal Rib Ornaments x2
Carcass x8
Carpenter Bee x5
Charmed Dwarf Lioness x1
Clean Lake x4
Coffee Locust x5
Common Raven x7
Crawling Silver Beetles x5
Darwin's Bark Spider x3
Dirty Fur x5
Dreamsicle Ball Python x1
Eager Cub Brown x1
Easter Palm x1
Empyrean Future x1 (9 uses)
Finespun Hyena Bodywear : Spotted x1 (4 uses)
Flame Accents Paws : Nav (3 uses)
Flame Accents Tail : Nav (3 uses)
Flame Accents Ears : Nav (4 uses)
Flirty Submale : Maroon x1
Fluffy Bracelets x1
Giant Poached Rat x9
Giant Stick Insect x4
Gorgon Sphynx Mask x1
Great Auk x4
Guernsey Lily x1 (1 use)
Hare Bone Piercings x1
Heart Leaf Sugarbush Garland x1
Herb Pouch x1
Highveld Gerbil (3 uses)
Hyena Lands x13
Charming Chains : Fire Opal (3 uses)
Kudu Tooth and Bone necklace x1
Lion Spirit x1 (3 uses)
Lonely Wanderer (3 uses)
Lucky Rabbit Foot Necklace x1
Majungasaurus x1
Mascarene Teal x3
Mauritius Blue Pigeon x4
Messy Mane 2 x1
Moheli Scops Owl x1
Moonlight x4
Mossy Stones x1
Mud River x1
Muddy Live Rat x1
Muddy Slopes x1
Mukota Pigelts x1
Ogre Faced Spider x3
Piebald Camel Calf x1
Prancing Cubs (Natural) x1
Purple Starling x3
Pussy Willows x1 (4 uses)
Rabbit Bone Bracelets x1
Rabbit Bone Chest Wrap x1
Rabbit Fluff Collar x1
Rabbit Fluff Tail x1
Rabbit Fur Cloak x1
Rabbit Skull Necklace x1
Reunion Foddy x1 (3 uses)
Reunion Ibis x2
Red Rail x1 (3 uses)
Reed Canary Grass x1 (1 use)
Saker Falcon x1
Screaming Rabbit Relic x1
Sculpted Ice Armour Back x1 (8 uses)
Sculpted Ice Armour Gauntlets x1 (8 uses)
Seychelles Parakeet x2
Shrikes x2
Shrikes in Thorns x1
Silver Rose Quartz Ornaments x1 (2 uses)
Skeletal Human Hand x1 (2 uses)
Slender Billed Curlew x1 (3 uses)
Snow Storm x1
Sphynx Beard : White x1
Spirit of Goetia : Halphas x1
Spirit of Goetia : Zagan x1
Stag Beetle x1
Sunset Over The Desert x1 (2 uses)
Taurus Fir x1
[SOLD] Thicket Gorge
Ticks : Body x1
Ticks : Face x1
Trance Vapours x1
Wallowing Clutter x1 (4 uses)
Wallowing Pit x1
Whispering Fumes x1
Wing Bands of Bast x1
Yawning Dwarf Lioness x2
[GE - Andalusia] Iberian Lynx x1 (4 uses)


Ancestral Fur x1
Atlas Titan x1
Brimstone Mane x1
[SOLD] Decennial Base
Diceros x1
Etheral Fur x1
Fossil Fur x1
MOD : Ticked x1
Shard Fur x1
Shards : Opal x1
Skin App : Lagoon x1


[SOLD] Cotton Root Bark
[SOLD] Lion Scrot
[SOLD] Pennyroyal
Rock Salt x1
[SOLD] Zebra Heart


Bloodstone x1
Carnelian x2
Celestite x1
Howlite x1
Meteorite x1
Rhodonite x1
Sparkling Opal x1
Shiny Black Rock x15
Shiny Green Rock x10
Shiny Orange Rock x16
Shiny Red Rock x1
Shiny White Rock x9
Shiny Teal Rock x13

If you see something you like , MESSAGE ME or POST IT HERE and I'll give you a price [ HAGGLING ALLOWED ]

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Edited on 15/06/23 @ 01:32:58 by .+. Nova l s/t .+. (#364200)

Novazthingz (#364200)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-06-20 15:00:32

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