Posted by How do you play?

*・༓☽ Daisy ☾
༓・* (#193404)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-06-16 14:32:57
I'm in a bit of a rut and could do with some inspiration. Some questions for you that may help me and others not sure what to focus on.

Q1. What are your dailies?

Q2. what is your current breeding project?

Q3. what do you do for fun on lioden?

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Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-06-16 18:15:40
Ah, it sucks to be in a rut! I have gone on rather lengthy hiatuses in the past due to getting "stuck" in game, feeling the toil, etc. Though, it has been a couple years since my last one!

Q1. What are your dailies?
Complete NPC quest(s)
Make sure all lions are 100% mood (Feed All Play All babyyy)
Feed all the hungry lions (reclaiming is ugh, no spare moneys)
Check out the cubs that were born if I have time - usually I do every few days
Baoball for stats

Q2. What is your current breeding project?
The end-stage of my project is essentially a king with Bandit base, Daisy eyes, Tsavo Briar (or Cinnabar, maybe Taupe) mane, Quail/Sandstone skin, and both hybrid Mottled markings. Whew, what a list. Ideally the lion would also have as many BO markings bred onto it as possible, but as long as I get my MR+MS+Base+Eyes+Mane+Skin (aaaaAAA) I'll be happy! :v I plan to RMA every empty marking slot regardless, so hopefully I won't have to use too many haha.

I made some wardrobe designs with markings that would be neat to get - I have 6 in total, but I'll link my favorites here. The others are linked on my Den page in the bottom left text box, though, if you want to see the others!
A workable design if I get 'unlucky' with Bushveld marks
A design that fits the Bandit base a bit nicer
My most recent design with some stark tone contrast

Q3. What do you do for fun on lioden?

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2023-06-16 18:23:14
Q1. What are your dailies?

Feed lions if they are at 40%, play with the unhappy lions or any that are close to being unhappy. Check cubs for anything good (rosettes, mutations, etc.) check stud requests, advertise for RP partners. Work on Bast quests and just explore for the heck of it.

Q2. what is your current breeding project?

I'd tell you exactly but I'm paranoid. I've seen people with what I'm trying to get, so I get discouraged and try again. But I'm basically going with an Organization XIII theme with rosettes included, but not saying which Nobody I'm trying to breed. It's a surprise, still 12 others to go.

Q3. what do you do for fun on lioden?

Play Serengeti Shuffle when I remember to.

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Fiery Lioness (#298660)

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Posted on
2023-06-18 12:13:28
What are your dailies?
I make sure to feed all of my adult lions and adolescents that are aging up (those are the lions that will leave if starving or unhappy).
I will also make sure all cubs are at 61% survival chance or higher (to make sure they won’t die on rollover.
I will reclaim certain lions that ran from crowding on the last day.

What is current breeding project?
I’m currently trying to recreate this pretty RL (I only have 1 of the needed markings so far)

What do you do on Lioden for fun?
I like to hang around in chatter :)

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