Posted by ⋮⚠️Decorate My King For 5GB!

IIV0I [G2|7x Ros|11x
BO|Ferus] (#407996)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2023-06-24 19:06:52
Hii! This is a design contest! There will be one winner and a prize of 5gb (or more)! Not really sure what else to say but yea!

•✧• General Info:
~ You may submit multiple entries!
~ You may use any backgrounds, decors and custom decors!
~ Im mostly looking for backgrounds that kinda match his colors, I likely won’t go for a design with a background that doesnt match him or emphasize his looks, sorry!
~ I'm okay with butterflies and maybe birds but I'm not really into animal decors so using just those probably wont get your design chosen, sorry!
~ There is no price limit per decor/background, so have fun!
~ This contest likely won't have an end date (unless I find the entry I plan to use)!

•✧• Rules:
~ Don't change his physical looks, thank you!
~ Don’t change his age or gender in your design as I will only consider submissions with my king as an adult, male, ferus, sorry!
~ Try and choose decors that look good together and enhance my kings appearance!
~ Please don’t use decors that cover his eyes/face or cover most of his body as I like the look of my king and dont want those hidden! I’m mostly looking for background and background decors rather than items on my king if that makes sense (example: fog, skulls, effects, lighting, plants, etc etc)!
~ Don't use any decors that are clearly not meant to fit the ferus body (example: ones that are noticeably too big, too small or just clearly don't work on him)!
~ Be nice to everyone and have fun!

•✧• My king:
(Wardrobe link ~ goodluck designing! )

Important info:

I noticed all of the submissions dont really match the theme or coloring of my king, all of them seem to really overpower him as well. I'm open to a lot of backgrounds of course but I urge people to go for more dull backgrounds; ones that wont over-shine my king. Or just ones that look more pleasing with his colors. Heres an example of two backgrounds that wouldnt be considered over-powering and (in my opinion) match his coloring:
And as for decor, Im more or less looking for background/foreground decor, Im not the biggest fan of accessories on my king but heres a design I came up with for an example of what I'd be looking for: (I'd be looking for more detail ofc though)
Hope this helps with the designing process! ^^

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Edited on 27/06/23 @ 18:45:02 by IIV0I [G2|7x Ros|11x BO|Ferus] (#407996)

Riptide (#390830)

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Posted on
2023-07-07 17:41:38
Here’s my second attempt!

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Jelly (#403208)

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Posted on
2023-07-08 19:11:28
Here are my entries ^^

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IIV0I [G2|7x Ros|11x
BO|Ferus] (#407996)

Prince of Terror
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-07-08 22:38:53
Very cool! I feel as if the first design didnt match him, but the second one is definitely nice!

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