Posted by Expanded Upon Leaderboards?

Kry [G1 1.6k Hexedi
RLC] (#287823)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-06-29 03:37:29
I used to play a game Felisfire, where they had a "sacrifice" system in place (much like kill/reserving lions here), where rather than cumulatively adding all kills, it separates it into categories.

Leaderboards for kills/reserves (combined) could be separated by:
Mutation type
Special bases.

As a possible way to encourage market clearing in a way... People who are invested in topping leaderboards will be more inclined to either breed their own or start clearing out cheap lions to kill/reserve.

I know there are already leaderboards for Killing and Reserving,
what I'm suggesting is an additional branch off of it, where it breaks each type of lion killed/reserved into each type.

I'm not saying markings, manes, eyes, skins count though. It would basically only be special bases + each mutation type.

So someone can look and see "oh X has k/r'd the most Folded Ears mutations"
Could be even more separated by: age
Cubs, Adols, Adults, maybe "elders" aka 14+ y/o or something. As well as Male/Female

People can be leading in very specific niche categories, like they may have been the only one to do it, but "X is the leader for k/r'ing male elder dwarves by being the only one who k/r'd a single male elder dwarf"

Just a thought.
Probably too much to implement and maybe a little overboard, but I just thought it could be a way for more people to work on leaderboards.

But also, I'm not 100% sure how leaderboards work - do they reset when you reking? Or are they just based on pride etc.


This suggestion has 1 support and 5 NO supports.

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Vixxie (side acc) |
Project (#392667)

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Posted on
2024-06-04 12:02:37
I think this would be a cool idea personally!

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