Posted by The Conjoined Lions...LIVE??

Harper | He/Him
🏳️‍⚧️ (#313606)

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Posted on
2023-07-03 05:38:05
Hello! My idea is that conjoined lion cubs have a SLIM chance of living after being born and a few days after living. There was once a case of conjoined lions IN REAL LIFE, and they were adults! I feel like this would be a cool feature to the game, but the might only be able to be a broodmother if female, but unable to patrol if male. There could also be items that give conjoined lions a larger chance to live after a few days. This would be a cool and AMAZING feature to have in game.

This suggestion has 26 supports and 97 NO supports.

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β˜€ Liobrine
Worshipper (#343470)

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Posted on
2023-07-28 03:28:49
Yeah but Lioden isn't exactly... realistic. I mean, rainbow lions? The whole July and June and 90% of the events? And I don't think a red cock would guarantee a lioness to have a litter full of male cubs born irl, neither would a great tit guarantee a litter of females.

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🐝 Paipa | G2
Tri-Ros Pie (#98498)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2023-07-28 03:43:26
It is more realistic than it is not. What would this bring to the game? Well, what value would this bring to the table? I see none. Lethals are rare and worthy because they are rare trophies. They have been like that for almost a decade. I have played this game since 2015 and have waited for male poses, quality-of-life updates, etc. for 8 years. So no, no support. Also this update would only affect the few people that do own conjoined cubs, so no, I see no point.

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β˜€ Liobrine
Worshipper (#343470)

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Posted on
2023-07-28 03:53:08
Yes, I agree. However, if conjoined twins are really rare, there could be a 0.5% chance for them to grow into adols. And possibly a 1% for them to grow into adulthood after that. Or as I said in my first message on this forum, there could be some vets in March that could separate your conjoined cubs or make it one, but sort of with a scar. Maybe the scar could be a decor.

If the conjoined cubs grow into adols/adults, then they wouldn't be able to go out hunting or patrolling, and would be infertile. Maybe Chasteberry couldn't be used on them, or any item that makes the fertility rise. They would simply be trophy lions, but adult. And if they reach adolhood then they still have a chance to die, and if they reach adulthood they could die randomly from anywhere between 2-6 or 5 or 4 years?

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Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-28 04:02:14
Yes, but again, how would the separation surgery work?? /gen

Like, if you separate a conjoined twin lion, would that mean the game creates a brand new different lion out of thin air? Would that mean the "conjoined twin" Mutation is... just gone?

Like... What happens to the other twin??? Would they instantly die after separation, or, if a darker(?) reasoning were to happen, they were kidnapped by the vet who was gonna keep them as a pet?

If you were able to keep the other twin, would they be created out of thin air? Would they be chased, and you find them and claim them back as adults ( if lioness)? Or would they just become a decor?? If a decor, it'd be fishy if your seperated conjoined twin decor.... didn't look quite like the one in the decor, that or it'd take ridiculously long to even code in every pelt color and eye color and such to just make the decor base... Morph into the other twin.

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Fraekinn [15BO
Constellation] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-07-28 06:26:02
The conjoined twin separation wouldn't work for the same reasons we cannot have Chimeras. Its too complex for Liodens code, each conjoined lion would need a "shadow" sibling (explained in the mutation rejection post).

They aren't willing to redo a whole lethal mutations art/layers for something like this because its THOUSANDS of pieces of art and they're already behind on updating existing "easy" mutations like Bobbed Tail.

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Edited on 28/07/23 @ 06:27:35 by Fraekinn {7.7k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

🐝 Paipa | G2
Tri-Ros Pie (#98498)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2023-07-28 07:35:07
If all the complex systems you are wanting would end up as mere decor, why not make/order a custom decor fitting your needs for a lion like that? You can use Translucent jellyfish to hide the conjoined normal lethal cub and then apply that custom-made decor lion with all the scars etc. you want over that. Tadah! No need for very, very complex or impossible game mechanics to get that result.

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Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-28 07:49:10
" Each conjoined lion would need a "shadow" sibling (explained in the mutation rejection post). "
- Fraekinn {7.7k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

Well, with Chimera, they are already thinking about it, so it's not technically rejected.

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Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-28 07:50:34
Also, if it's too hard to make new line art and such for conjoined twins' adult stages, I'd just be happy if they just... Kept them at cub stage in terms of art.

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Fraekinn [15BO
Constellation] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-07-28 09:06:15
@readytest - they literally say "too much work so we're thinking not anytime soon" and that was 5+ years ago... When there were less bases, markings, eyes etc. Now its even MORE work.

Its not the lineart thats the issue? If its 2 separate lions you would need TWO lots of visuals overlapping each other - one base for each lion, potentially 10 markings per lion (or side of the conjoined), noses, eyes, etc. Instead of it just being ONE lion with ONE set of colours/markings/etc.

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Edited on 28/07/23 @ 09:07:30 by Fraekinn {7.7k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-28 09:31:42
No, I mean IF they live without being separated

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Fraekinn [15BO
Constellation] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-07-28 12:07:30
They would still need the art layers changing for those that DO separate them, if such a thing was implemented.

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🐝 Paipa | G2
Tri-Ros Pie (#98498)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2023-07-28 12:30:52
And even if no separation happened, they would need to recolor and redraw all the thousands of bases and markings, etc. to fit the adol and adult poses of the conjoined mutation. Which is a huge amount of work for such a rare mutation in the first place compared to primals etc.

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Fraekinn [15BO
Constellation] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-07-28 12:48:18
Yep! Agree!

Plus, there are currently 6,679,242 lions in the game, with only 363 lions being Conjoined (this includes living, frozen and deceased).

363 out of 6,679,242 equals 0.00543474843% of all lions on the site are Conjoined, you're telling me its worth creating 386,570 (the number of markings in game (2666) x the amount of colours (145)) new layers of art just for one mutation that is ALREADY complete and has LESS THAN 0.005% of the entire game's population? That's not including split colour base layers, eyes, noses, paws, etc.

Nah, its not justifiable.

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Edited on 28/07/23 @ 12:48:48 by Fraekinn {7.7k Hexa Dawn Pie} (#57572)

🐝 Paipa | G2
Tri-Ros Pie (#98498)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2023-07-28 12:52:06
Thank you for doing the math, it is late here where I live so couldn't do it myself! ^^

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(Cracked) Maple π“…œ
- MOVING!! (#310777)

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Posted on
2023-07-28 12:53:17
Okay at this point..People who doesn't support this is just being damn rude.

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