Posted by Tiggys Dragon Egg Adopts

❄️ (#90768)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-07-10 06:41:39

Tiggys Adopts

Below are links to each of my TH folders with my adopts. PM me on either format to buy! Discounts taken for Lioden currency and taking items/lions!

Feral: link to folder
Anthro:link to folder
WC:link to folder
MLP:link to folder

join my clan to stay up to date!

come join my adopt server! 18+ for comfort
- server exclusive adopts posted regularly!

Mystery Basic Dragon Adopts


Tiggys Adopts
examples of possible bases

Pick a number, and I’ll give you the image based on the palette of the drawing associated with the number/name. Tell me where you want it sent, otherwise I will send a link with the png via lioden. Please try to include how you will pay.

Order example: #1, TH Tiggystar, paying with gb!

I will send you a message confirming purchase. Do not send payment unless I have confirmed your purchase.

Available: 27


Alternative payment options:

feral art by: peachlily - link to permission post - link to post with art bases or - me

html layout by honey (#32043). do not remove credit.

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Edited on 23/07/23 @ 06:39:43 by 🤎🖤tiggystar 🖤🤎 (#90768)

Space Spots (G1,
13BO, bush (#308368)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-07-28 23:34:21
I missed the update! rats.
grabbing #27 with Gbs to Space_Spots__Ceri on TH

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