Posted by sub males question
Severus (#434577)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-07-11 00:25:38

I hope I can get an answer to this: what is the purpose of having sub males? you use them for patrolling, but they rarely bring home something truly useful/valuable. They can't earn experience through patrol either, just stats. If I manage to breed a good-looking male, I still can't use him for getting any of my own lionesses pregnant.

So what is the purpose? I like my sub males, but what do I keep them for? I keep those I especially like, including one for a new heir when my king has to retire. But I can only have 1 heir, right? so...

Can someone please explain?

Sorry if this was confusing. I'd really appreciate an answer though.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-07-11 00:30:35
You only really need submales as heirs for once your king retires. So you dont need more than 1, indeed, keeping extra sub males is usually when people keep them for later to retire to - for example, I have a few groupie sub males for future heritage replacements. Some people keep stat/mutie replacer males for future retiring. Not all people wait until kings are 15 years old to retire, some swap them a lot more often; when I get breeding project successful cubs, I swap my kings as often as once a month. 10 GB is easy to get selling event items, so the retirement fee isnt a problem for many users.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-07-11 05:56:15
Usually, by checking Branch and Trading Centre and seeing what is the lowest price the item sells for!
OR checking the wanted items forums to see any wanted ads for event currency; usually people interested will list how many GB they will pay for a certain amount of currency. You can then agree with the buyer what items they want from the shop, buy those with your event currency, and trade them those items for the agreed price.

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Severus (#434577)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-07-11 05:37:21
Okay. How do you calculate how much to sell event items for?

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