Posted by More ways to adult/adol lion(esses) to DIE
Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-07-15 23:37:07
I don't understand; a cub can die from a plethora of reasons ( flavor text )

But once they turn to adols, they CANNOT die as an adol, and their cause of deaths are only RESTRICTED TO OLD AGE.

It doesn't make sense to me? Like, why don't they have the same amount of ways to die? Do they get magical powers ( like plot armor ) that prevents them from dying from external issues/other causes besides old age? If so, that's too OP. It doesn't make sense that lion(esse)s cannot die on patrols/hunting expeditions/protecting cubs.

Like, WHY does rabies not kill your king????? Rabies has 99.9% death rate too!! I get that some players would get upset that their lion(ess) died, but don't they all die eventually? ( Not trying to be rude with that )

If you think about it, eventually you'll find that it is illogical that all lion(esse)s can only DIE from old age.

To fix this logical fallacy, I present:

More ways to die..!

Since irl, there are many ways a lion could die, there should be some too!

[Very unlikely chance to happen]

" [sub male] was confronted by an enemy pride, and he was forced to fight. [Sub male] did his best to fend off these lions, but to no avail. He was killed by the enemy patrol... "

" [Sub male] was stalking a gazelle and was going to snatch them for a snack, but when he pounced, the gazelle impaled their horn onto his neck, instantly killing him. "

" [sub male] encountered a tunnel, he was too curious about it, so much so, that he decided to go into the tunnel. "
->" He lost his way to the entrance, and eventually a flood happened and he drowned. "
->" He slipped and fell down a very steep hole, and was killed by blunt force trauma. "


instead of every terrain having a chance to cause death, how about RISKY terrains? Terrains that are very rare, and are given a warning like " This terrain COULD kill your lion(esse)s! Do you really want to proceed?? ". It would be a two-accept confirmation
1st box: normal proceed box
2nd box: " This risky terrain has a chance to kill your lion(esse)s! Are you sure you want to patrol/hunt here? "
3rd box: " You sure? This terrain sounds very risky? "
4th box: " last warning: this terrain could really KILL a lion! Are you very VERY sure this is where you want to patrol/hunt???? "

Said terrains are outlined in red and have a skull on them, even if they aren't selected! They ate variants of the said normal terrains, but can be deadly..!

This suggestion has 1 support and 112 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/07/23 @ 18:47:07 by Readytest (#431796)

Aura/Samuel (#208852)

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Posted on
2023-12-28 10:43:22
They certainly sound like one

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