Posted by ALL BASES NUMBER IN GAME (3rd august 2023)


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Posted on
2023-08-03 19:37:53
I've decided to write down all bases down and how many lions in game gave this base!

started at 3rd august 2023
6:29pm lioden time
lioden search caps off at 10000 (that's why there's a lot of 10000)

least lions with the base :
1st place - RA (64)
2nd place - SKELETAL (85)
3rd place - MARULA (87)

aardwolf - 1016
anyssinian - 1184
alabaster - 1827
albino - 10000
almond - 10000
amber - 7956
ammonite - 2446
ancestral - 3374
angelic - 1659
anjeer - 10000
ankh - 5404
antler - 10000
anubis - 1434
apricot - 10000
arabica - 503
arctic - 3958
ardor - 2615
argent - 5063
asali - 7991
ashen - 10000
asiatic - 415
aspen - 3126
astral - 4355
atlas - 1462
auburn - 10000
aufeis - 1402
augur - 4034
azalea - 269
bandit - 520
bast - 3276
beinge - 10000
birch - 10000
bisque - 9099
bisquit - 10000
BLACK - 10000
black rose - 1300
blazing - 2711
blonde - 10000
blood moon - 2876
bloodbourne - 2038
bloostone - 1723
blue poinsettia - 3280
blush rose - 1147
bone - 10000
brass - 10000
brimstone -7228
bronze - 10000
brown - 10000
buff - 10000
bushveld - 683
buttercream - 8971
buttermilk - 5019
butternut - 3055
cairngorm - 1339
camel - 10000
cameo - 10000
caramel - 10000
cedar - 10000
celestial - 3828
celsian - 209
champange - 10000
chaos - 925
charteux - 10000
chatoyant - 2060
cherry blossom - 4416
chestnut - 10000
chocolate - 10000
cinnabar - 10000
citrine - 1149
citron - 151
clear white - 10000
cloudburst - 1341
cocoa - 10000
copper - 1000
cotton candy - 2564
cream - 10000
cream darker - 10000
cream lighter - 10000
cremello - 10000
cretaceous - 791
damu - 1245
dark brown - 10000
dark fawn - 10000
dark golden - 10000
dark vanilla - 10000
dawn - 2511
decennial - 3303
deep fawn - 10000
deira - 10000
demiurge - 10000
demonic - 2381
deshret - 905
dhahabi - 10000
dikela - 10000
dinar - 9438
divine - 9552
doubloon - 10000
dove gray - 10000
duat - 1146
ducat - 10000
dun - 10000
dusty - 10000
dusty rose - 10000
ebony - 10000
eggshell - 10000
elysian - 3400
ember - 918
ennead - 500
ethereal - 3739
fallow - 10000
fawn - 10000
festive - 1656
fiery - 10000
flamingo - 976
flaxen - 4898
flint - 10000
fossil - 1622
frostbitten - 5784
fuchsia - 2111
fulvous - 10000
gilded - 494
ginger - 10000
glacial - 1887
glass - 1475
goldenrod - 9415
goridhe - 10000
gray - 10000
green - 1840
gregarious - 1763
grullo - 234
guardian - 2469
gunmetal gray - 10000
haliotis - 1907
hallowed - 4732
haruspex - 3374
haunted - 2227
haze - 817
hazelnut - 10000
heavenly - 4298
hellebore - 277
hematite - 2432
henna - 10000
hexaplex - 493
hibiscus - 5013
hirola - 984
hoarfrost - 1512
honey - 3260
howlite - 187
hyena - 1589
ice - 10000
incense - 3311
inferno - 5555
inpu - 1435
interstellar - 10000
isabel - 10000
ivory - 4818
jacana - 1641
jacinthe - 10000
jellyfish - 526
jet - 10000
khaki - 10000
kimanjano - 1117
korat - 10000
kunzite - 2099
labradorite - 1402
lemon - 10000
leonid - 1898
light cream - 10000
light golden - 10000
lilac - 2096
linen - 9562
liver - 10000
locust - 2116
luteo - 10000
maat - 1554
madagascar - 1189
mahogany - 10000
majivu - 245
maltese - 10000
manakbir - 625
mandarin - 850
maroon - 10000
marula - 87
mauve - 10000
maziwa - 10000
medal - 890
medium golden - 10000
merlot - 2177
meteorite - 636
mistletoe - 377
mobola - 10000
mongoose - 10000
moonstone - 1273
moss agate - 1687
mudstone - 577
mulberry - 10000
mummy - 951
murk - 1673
nacarat - 10000
nacre - 4416
nadir - 802
nautilus - 1552
nefer - 1420
noctis - 10000
nudar - 1782
nuummite - 2076
oatmeal - 10000
obsidian - 10000
ochre - 10000
ogdoad - 480
olive - 420
onyx - 10000
opal - 2510
orchid - 1460
ornament - 2924
palomino - 10000
parhelion - 3626
peach - 1133
pearl - 451
pecan - 10000
penumbra - 8285
persimmon - 10000
pewter - 10000
phantom - 1658
platinum - 10000
prismatic - 2986
protea - 498
prune - 10000
pulsar - 922
qahir - 462
ra - 64
ragdoll - 2178
redwood - 10000
reindeer - 1133
rhino - 1556
rhodonite - 2854
rhubarb - 10000
rime - 469
ripe - 1233
rose gold - 570
rosy brown - 10000
rough ruby - 2845
ruddy - 10000
ruffian - 279
rufous - 4898
russet - 10000
rust - 10000
saffron - 10000
sahara - 1881
sandy - 10000
sapela - 10000
savannah - 10000
scoundrel - 1425
seer - 2210
sepia - 797
serruria - 311
seth - 1004
sha - 1145
shard - 3225
shedua - 10000
sidereal - 520
sienna - 10000
silver - 10000
silver gray - 10000
skeletal - 85
skyward - 1130
slate - 10000
smog - 332
snowflake - 3550
solaris - 510
sorrel - 10000
soul - 1348
spectre - 3592
sphinx - 221
squall - 132
steele - 10000
sterling - 10000
stratosphere - 1082
styx - 712
sulphur - 6012
sundust - 10000
sunflower - 10000
sunglow - 10000
sunrise - 1441
sunset - 3149
sunshine - 4756
sunspot - 1559
supernal - 3250
sutekh - 1804
swarm - 542
tan - 10000
taupe - 6807
tawny - 10000
teardrop - 10000
temporal - 464
titanium - 10000
topaz - 10000
triumph - 1280
trophy - 472
ubaste - 2414
udara - 6194
ukame - 546
umber - 10000
unholy - 6129
vagabond - 437
vandal - 10000
vanilla - 10000
velvet - 3897
victor - 748
water hyacinth - 1107
wepwawet - 1518
wheaten - 10000
white - 10000
wicked - 680
wild rose - 10000
willow - 3242
windfall - 3661
wine - 3024
xanthic - 7264
zarafshan - 10000
zarasa - 10000
zarbanu - 10000
zarin - 10000
zer - 10000
zivar - 10000

finished 3rd august 2023
7:32pm lioden time

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ASALI (#2514)

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Posted on
2023-08-06 16:39:02
Thanks for posting! Even more reason for me to try and ramp up a Ra breeding project

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Posted on
2023-08-06 16:54:57
Yes yes! I want to start one as well but sadly only my king has the base to breed it, i have no lionesses with any bases needed for the combo

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