Posted by Baby's First Breeding Project DONE

Del's Side (#442984)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-04 20:06:01
So I've been here like a month and change, and I decided to jump into the deep end with a breeding project with a breed only base, breed only mane, breed only eyes, and three breed only markings. It lacks the ambition of some projects, but I like the look of the lion I made from this and I adore having projects to work towards. I'll be devoting my side-account to this lion (which is the account I'm posting on, instead of my main, because I didn't realize I'd switched accounts before posting).

The above is my goal, with no decor or any other personalization. He will, of course, be personalized with decor and the like, but that isn't the point right now. The specifics are below, for anyone who might be curious.

Base: Ukame

Mane: Savage Astral

Eyes: Stellar

Skin: Dudley

Markings: Leonid Coat in Slot 3, Bandit Cloud in Slot 4, and Mottled Rosette in Slot 6

Thankfully, the Astral mane color and the Dudley skin color can both be obtained by applicators, so I'm lucky in that respect. There are other markings, but as those are applicator markings, then I'm not worrying about them. Since the Breeding Project Guide suggests starting with the base first (so long as it's not a combo base, and Ukame is not), then that's what I'm doing.

I have my Ukame male, and am currently gathering the funds to king him as my current king is not yet old enough to be retired. This is actually not an issue, as the lionesses I got with Savage manes are either adolescents or cubs. Within a few days to a week, I'll be making actual strides into this project. Let's hope this doesn't take a lifetime!

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Edited on 25/09/23 @ 11:50:25 by Del's Side (#442984)

Del's Side (#442984)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-09-06 17:50:48
Been a hot minute. That above? I found something with the same basic idea, only better (in my opinion).

The base is switched out for Solaris, which is an applicator (RIP me having kinged the Ukame male), and the Mottled Rosetted switched for Seal Soft Rosette. Also, went with Bandit Cloud and Scoundrel Undersides as the other BO markings, and Ruffian skin. This means the mane shape, skin, and three of the markings are breed-only, while everything else is an applicator.

Now, I have a male with the rosette, and the only reason he isn't king yet is because I'm using him to patrol the male who will eventually take on all those markings. I have one lion who has the non-rosette markings and skin, and another who just has the markings (and one who has one marking and the skin). Sadly, the mane shape is the bigger issue, but I think I can live with "almost perfect" for a while as I try to get all of the BO traits passed to one single lion as I wait for my heir to age up enough so that he's a stat god when he's kinged.

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Del's Side (#442984)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-09-25 11:50:09
I'm happy to report that I've had a resounding success! While the Savage mane was my primary choice, the cub did come out with Incubus, which was my top applicator choice for manes.

This lovely little cub will be kinged once old enough to have gotten their stats, and when my Smilus heir has reached the maximum age for stat gains, I'll king him. I'm debating on if I want to finish up the cub, or wait until my Smilus is read.

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