HalloweenBean33 (#447530)

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Posted on
2023-08-17 10:20:35
Hello welcome to Ferret Fields I'm your host Katlyn Rosewood

Items I will accept instead of currency (including it's worth to replace it) some are worth more meaning you can get more ferrets/items with if
RMA=1 GB or 500 SB
Marking removal=1 GB or 500 SB
Energy boosts=2 GB or 1000 SB
Instant cub deliveries: 2 GB or 1000 SB
Grain of paradise=2 GB or 1000 SB
Lion meat=3 GB or 1000 SB
Buffy balls=3 GB or 2000 SB

Please credit me when using the art

(yes it's my Minecraft oc holding a nether star and she has bandages on her hand but it's hard to tell)

Pay after your ferret is attracted

We have plenty of ferrets here in our fields and if you want you can attract one and take one and give it a loving home but if you don't like them you can put it in our adoption center and then attract a new one for free but you can only do it once if you want to do it more than once it is a 100 SB fee

Decoration for your ferrets
Bandanna|a very cool look for your ferret 150 SB
A witch's hat|you're ferrets going to hogwarts 150 SB
Dragon wings|your ferret could be a ferocious beast with this 250 SB
Pink harness|a cute harness for your ferret 200 SB
Blue harness| a beautiful harness for your ferret 200 SB
Head bow|makes your ferret look cute and elegant 100 SB

Ferret base

You can also breed your ferrets with a stud you can also set your ferret to be a stud for a fee of 300 SB or 1 GB or you can use our stud Matcha to breed with he is free to breed with


Ferrets age up from a kit to a adult in 3 rollovers

Pregnant Ferrets are pregnant for 2 rollovers and the genetics could be a copy of one parent, a mix of both, or just something completely random

This is the field of where you can find your ferrets

To explore the fields it is 1 GB or 1000 SB for 100 steps

Things you can bring with you
Granola bar 100 SB gives you 10 extra steps
Trail mix 300 SB gives you 50 extra steps
Eggs| 50% chance of attracting a ferret with a accessory

Items to attract a ferret
A bucket of dry macaroni|100% chance of attracting a common ferret 100 SB
Chicken bytes treats™|50% chance of attracting a common ferret 25% chance of obtaining a mutie ferret 25% chance of attracting a Uncommon ferret 200 SB

Savory bacon and cheese bytes™|25% chance of attracting a common ferret 60% chance of attracting a Uncommon ferret 15% chance of attracting a mutated ferret 300 SB

Mega extreme bacon and cheese bytes wrapped in venison™ |100% chance of attracting a Uncommon ferret 500 SB

Bioluminescent berry bunch|100% chance of attracting a mutated ferret 1 GB or 750 SB

I will be using a wheel to see if you catch anything

Good mutations
Two tails
6 legs instead of 4
4 eyes
Elf ears
Overgrown tounge

Bad mutations (it won't kill your ferret don't worry)
Two heads
8 legs
4 tails
Extra fluffy fur
Conjoined twins

Any suggestions are welcome

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Edited on 17/08/23 @ 18:04:51 by HalloweenBean33 (#447530)

HalloweenBean33 (#447530)

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Posted on
2023-08-22 11:44:17
I will use chicken bytes after the explore steps are used up

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HalloweenBean33 (#447530)

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Posted on
2023-08-22 11:47:42
You heard rustling in the bushes next to you and you go to investigate and you see a ferret - 4 steps

Steps left: 93 steps

CONGRATULATIONS you found a female kit Uncommon pumpkin pie themed ferret with the accessory:head bow

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Edited on 22/08/23 @ 11:52:06 by HalloweenBean33 (#447530)

HalloweenBean33 (#447530)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-08-22 11:54:01
You walk through the fields and fall into a bush you manage to get unstuck and you found a bag of Mega extreme bacon and cheese bytes wrapped in venison™ - 4 steps

Remaining steps: 89

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HalloweenBean33 (#447530)

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Posted on
2023-08-22 12:07:46
You try crossing a beautiful creek by using a fallen tree however you lose your footing and fall into the creek you make it out but now your drenched - 4 steps

Remaining steps :85

You trip and fall down a hill landing right next to a ferret who sits on your head

CONGRATULATIONS you attracted a Uncommon female kit jack of lantern themed ferret with the accessory witch hat


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★ - 🦇 Batman
🦇 - ★ (#425914)

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Posted on
2023-08-22 13:15:42
Oo keep walking!

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