Posted by Project Lion & Heir

[He//Him] (#297355)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-08-18 22:02:40
I am looking for some items for my soon to be heir and a project lioness. I am willing to pay in currency and items! If you have something with even one use that would be greatly appreciated! <3
-Items are listed below-


Glacial Special Applicator
Cloudburst Stains Applicator
Doubloon Marking Applicator
Ochre Marking Applicator
x2 Marking Applicators from Oasis


Grace of the Lich
Jewelry: Moonstone Earrings
Beetle Chitin Nose Chain [Silver]
Goatee [Onyx]
Oribi Horns
Rump Fluff Extensions [Onyx]
Ördög Tail Extension
Claw Extensions [Dark]
Purring Laperm
Heavy Metal Tailbands
Nightmares BG

Items I can offer:

Penumbra Body
Ivory Carvings
(One with the Giants) Ivory Base App
(Ivory Fur) Ivory Mane App
(Skyward Blessing) Skyward Mane App
(Heavenly Blessing) Heavenly Mane App
(Heavenly Serenity) Heavenly Base App
(Astral Blessing) Astral Mane App
(Astral Fire) Astral Base App

Empyrean Future x2 (10/10 uses)
Setting Sun x1 (10/10 uses)
Eternal Solitude x1 (5/5 uses)
Lost in Visions x1 (5/5 uses)
Hyena Lair x1 (5/5 uses)
Feast in the Shade x1 (5/5 uses)
Overthrown x1 (5/5 uses)
Abandoned Cemetery x1 (10/10 uses)
Golden Water x1 (5/5 uses)
Great Fires Background x1 (5/5)
Scratched Rocks x1 (9/10 uses)
Eternal Solitude x1 (5/5 uses)

Chilling Apedemak x2 (10/10 uses each)
Sunset's Memorial x2 (10/10 uses each)
Tefnut's Flower x1 (10/10 uses)
Chilling Apollyon x2 (10/10 uses each)
Celestial Detritus x1 (10/10 uses)
Efreet x1 (10/10 uses)
Divine Promise x1 (10/10 uses)
Whispering Glow x1 (10/10 uses)
Whispering Trinkets x1 (10/10 uses)
Snow Storm x1 (9/10 uses)
Behdet Wings [Khnum] x1 (5/5 uses)
Black Hole Eyes x1 (5/5 uses)
Chthonic Banner x1 (5/5 uses)
Criosphinx Mask x1 (5/5 uses)
Expression: Fear x1 (5/5 uses)
Ears of Anubis x1 (5/5 uses)
Field of Streams x1 (5/5 uses)
Hare Mask x1 (5/5 uses)
Holiday Lights x1 (5/5 uses)
I Am Pissed! x1 (5/5 uses)
Ikenty x1 (5/5 uses)
Isis Wings [Top&Bottom] x1 (5/5 uses each)
Wing Bands of Isis x1 (5/5 uses)
Wings of Light [Top&Bottom] x1 (5/5 uses each)
Wing Bands of Bast x1 (5/5 uses)
Wings of War [Top&Bottom] x1 (5/5 uses each)
Wing Bands of Seth x1 (5/5 uses)
Wings of Desert [Top&Bottom] x1 (5/5 uses each)
Stiff Scarab Wings (BLUE) [Top&Bottom] x1 (5/5 uses each)
Lapis Ornaments x1 (5/5 uses)
Plasma x1 (5/5 uses)
Nea Onnim Necklace x1 (5/5 uses)
Fiend Horns x1 (4/5 uses)
Star Sparkles - High x1 (5/5 uses)
Toxic Embers x1 (4/5 uses)
Bloody Feast x1 (10/10 uses)
Catoplebas x1 (5/5 uses)
Flesh Of The Unworthy x1 (5/5 uses)

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Edited on 01/09/23 @ 16:26:45 by 🍜Sketty Noodle🍜 (#297355)

Starscream (#327684)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-09-07 22:38:22
I have Oribi Horns full use, if you'd be willing to trade for the Criosphinx mask?

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