Posted by Radioactive mutation

Anubis Warrior (#242023)

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Posted on
2023-08-22 18:38:02
I think it would be a very good idea if their was a mutation out there that has to do with being radioactive. Because there's all sorts of animals that have evolved in radioactive environment I think it would be an interesting idea to incorporate a mutation. If not a survivable mutation maybe a lethal mutation of something like this. And if you don't like the suggestion could you tell me why and if you have something you might want to add or suggest go ahead and tell me below

Edit 2: it's been brought to my attention that it's still not as specific due to the fact that there are multiple mutations that could happen genetically speaking which is why I said a chance at some of random mutations. Well went I online and a little bit of research before putting this up. there a few mutations that can happen like growing multiple legs/ hair lose/ mange/ boils/black or tough skin and fur/ sores/. Heightened aggression. In some species they adapt to the environment but they also get heightened aggression there aggressive.There's also lethal ones like disfiguring of the face/ mangled limbs/ very very rare cases they would have the organs on the outside. I mean there's all sorts of different mutations that can come out of radioactive areas to the point where one frog species went from bright green to completely black and color just because they needed to adapt and they became more resistant physically towards toxic materials the skin become tougher and everything. There's a species of the moth that grew a black pair of wings just a blend in. There's been cases where a dog has just gotten some boils and house lived or hair loss and there's a case where a cow has gotten a disfigured face and has died from it which is why I said what about having like an item or a man you can give to a pregnant female and it's like a very small chance of the child mutating and it's like a random mutation just pick one and then put it on the cub

Edit:What I was thinking is that it could be something like a mod or item that you can give a female who is pregnant and have a small chance of random mutation for the radioactive material and if it doesn't mutat then it could possibly kill the lioness or cause her to lose her litter and her to become infertile.

This suggestion has 9 supports and 41 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/08/23 @ 15:05:30 by Anubis Warrior (#242023)

SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-08-22 18:45:40
I think the biggest issue is that exposure to radiation doesn't cause one specific mutation in offspring. It causes a myriad of different hereditary disorders. And it doesn't visibly mutate the initial receiver unless its body is breaking down from the radiation, but that's not necessarily a "mutation." That's just dying.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the information I've heard and double-checked.

You might have better luck trying to suggest something more exact. ^^

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Anubis Warrior (#242023)

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Posted on
2023-08-22 19:04:01
What I was thinking is that it could be something like a mod or item that you can give a female who is pregnant and have a small chance of random mutation for the radioactive material and if it doesn't mutat then it could possibly kill the lioness or cause her to lose her litter and her to become infertile.

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[ heartbroken ] [ G3
] (#209190)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 08:39:24
What exactly would the mutation be, though? This is still too vague atm

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Anubis Warrior (#242023)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 14:16:25
Well went I online and a little bit of research before putting this up. there a few mutations that can happen like growing multiple legs/ hair lose/ mange/ boils/black or Ashen skin and fur. There's also lethal ones like disfiguring of the face/ mangled limbs/ very very rare cases they would have the organs on the outside. I mean there's all sorts of different mutations that can come out of radioactive areas to the point where one frog species went from bright green to completely black and color just because they needed to adapt and they became more resistant physically towards toxic materials the skin become tougher and everything. There's a species of the moth that grew a black pair of wings just a blend in. There's been cases where a dog has just gotten some boils and house lived or hair loss and there's a case where a cow has gotten a disfigured face and has died from it which is why I said what about having like an item or a man you can give to a pregnant female and it's like a very small chance of the child mutating and it's like a random mutation just pick one and then put it on the cub

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GOOSE (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 14:18:57
i think this is a good idea but was wondering, are implying making a new mut entirely, or making an item that has a higher chance of mut? because we already have crb, so I'm just confused on what you're putting out here

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Anubis Warrior (#242023)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 14:21:14
I was thinking a new mutation entirely. Because I wasn't thinking about an item that enhances and mutation. we seem to have a a lot of ones that seem to enhance the higher chance. But I was thinking that this could be something giving out October Halloween sort of as a MOD or toxic item that you give to a female or maybe like a reward for completing the story

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GOOSE (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 14:24:06
oohhhhh okay, but you said this would be a lethal mut though, right? and lethals are meant to be extremely rare, but if a lot of people got the mod, it wouldn't make that lethal too rare (not** trying to sound rude/hater-like)

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Edited on 23/08/23 @ 14:24:27 by ♥4r!♥ ΘΔ (#378108)

Anubis Warrior (#242023)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 14:30:48
That's the thing some of the mutations you can get from this could be lethal not all the mutation to get from a radioactive area is lethal there are still animals living in radioactive areas that have adapted to it. Frogs, cats, dogs, even bugs. I mean they have radioactive decor so what I was thinking is like it gives it a random very small chance that what mutation and based on what mutation like it it's based on whether or not it is lethal which is why I said a very small chance it could be higher chance for the female to either die or lose litter and become fertile then for the Cub to mutate.

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Anubis Warrior (#242023)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 14:31:59
Also you're perfectly fine you're not being rude or anything. I like some criticism. It helps me think of how to fix the idea a little

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Anubis Warrior (#242023)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 14:35:15
The reward would be like a luck of the draw sort of thing where there will be a very small chance the cub become mutating but a bigger chance at the lioness dying or losing the litter and becoming infertile altogether where she won't have any kids. It could kind of be like if it decided to mutate the cub like putting a bunch of the mutations in a hat picking one and there you go

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GOOSE (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 15:08:32
oh! then i feel like this is a nice idea, when mods have time for it of course! we don't wanna rush them

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Anubis Warrior (#242023)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 16:07:16
I agree and don't want to rush them either

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Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-23 17:44:11
I REALLY want this;

Say your environment in your pride settings was set to " Radioactive wasteland " ( which would be unlocked after the first time unlocking a high level area to explore OR brought with a huge amount of SB OR a few GB ( 4-6 ) )

The lions there have a higher chance at producing mutated cubs, but a high chance of a lioness born into your pride being infertile ( aka need to be pumped up with chasteberries in order to breed )

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frosty 🪶☃️ (#229018)

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Posted on
2023-08-23 17:52:14
I just don't think it would make too much sense for lions.

We have a few items that higher the chance of a mutation, so a radioactive item like you described sounds like it would do pretty much the same thing as CRB/lion meat/GMO, therefore becoming unneeded. And, it takes high doses of radiation to reproductive organs to cause a mutation to be able to happen, which I don't think our lions would have access to.

Cool idea, but no support for now.
(also, the frogs and moths you talked about evolving to have black skin was from the industrial revolution and how much smoke was suddenly produced, which they then had to adapt to.)

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Edited on 23/08/23 @ 17:53:27 by Frosty ★ (#229018)

Readytest (#431796)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-23 17:54:39
" it takes high doses of radiation to reproductive organs to cause a mutation to be able to happen, which I don't think our lions would have access to. "
- Frosty ★ (#229018)

Yeah, BUT my suggestion that if your lions were to live in a radioactive wasteland would make a bit more sense.

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