Posted by Heir Contest! (ENDED)

kxmmvii [G3
Harlequin Elysian] (#325601)

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Posted on
2023-08-24 14:27:44
Hello! To Whom It May Concern...
I Will Be Hosting A Heir Contest!

Though...I love my King dearly, I've been thinking about an heir. I mean an heir that will last me forever! Without constantly worrying about me not liking it. Though I love my King right now, I want a long-term project, that will last me forever with them!

Here's What I'm Looking For!
Bases That I Will Accept
- Chartreux (Rare)
- Ebony (Rare)
- Noctis (Rare)
- Any Grey/Light Purple Base
- I Love Elysian
- May Consider Applicator Bases

Manes That I Will Accept
- Any. I'm hoping to make my future heir posed, so I won't have to worry about manes. Though- I would like the mane to be something nice.

Markings That I Will Accept
- Rosettes! (This is a long-term project, so it WILL be hard to deal with getting rosettes.)
- Purple Markings
- Anything that makes purple markings!

Eye Colors That I Will Accept
- Anything Purple
- Anything Rare That Matches
- Anything White/Black

Mutations That I Will Accept
- Polycaudual
- Dorsal Fur (Use Wisely)
- Pies (No Ticked)
- Patches
(As a reminder they will be posed, so these I want).

Decor/BG That I Will Accept
- Any!
- I Love Custom Decor! (Just recommend some ^^ )

- Must fit most requirements of what I want above!
- You may submit your entries as many times as you want! I will try to update the list below as much as possible!
- Please be patient. I have a life outside of Lioden, and am busy! I have issues but also extracurricular activities. I am a High School student. I live in EST time, so I won't always respond.
- This contest may go on for months! So I will keep you guys updated whenever.
- Please fill up all 20 marking slots! (If not I understand). This is a long-term project, so I will get whatever I can.
- Please put a pose on the lioness! I literally will do anything that looks good! With Poly, you cannot pose, I didn't realize! I will make an exception for a male-looking King at the adolescent stage with Poly. Default also is ok with Poly <3.
- Be nice to other people's own entries.

Yes, I will give prizes to those I like the most, I don't want to leave everyone out, so I will be gifting everyone who enters and joins and makes their own submissions! I will be gathering items and such for prizes so stay tuned.

First Place: x1 Crunchy, 20 , Wishlist Item, A Mut or Hybrid.
Second Place: x1 GMO Cow, 15 , CD Of Your Choice.
Third Place: x1 GMO Cow, 10 , 20 Non-Explore Decor.
Fourth Place: x3 Black Stallions, 5 , 10 Non-Explore Decor.
Fifth Place: x2 Black Stallions, 5 , 5 Non-Explore Decor.
The Rest: 100 !

Have Fun!
AD: Make Me a Heir Contest! Many Prizes!

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Edited on 26/11/23 @ 18:01:33 by kxmmvii [G3 Cracked Elysian] (#325601)

Nyladam (#250572)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-09-18 15:16:37
Alrighty! I might make more if I get another idea lol!

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kxmmvii [G3
Harlequin Elysian] (#325601)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 15:17:59
Will keep that in mind. Everyone still has months to go, so don't worry about deadline or how many you make :)

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kxmmvii [G3
Harlequin Elysian] (#325601)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 16:29:08
Hello all! All entries have been updated, please check the Google doc to ensure yours is there!

Sorry that I take so long to update entries!

Still gathering more prizes for those 1-5th, so stick around to see if I've updated anything ^^

all entries for 'Make Me a Heir Contest'

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Dawn (She/Her) (#314513)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 17:59:17
Second entry!

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kxmmvii [G3
Harlequin Elysian] (#325601)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 18:03:27
Ty <3 Looks awesome, added!

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[Main] (#364129)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 18:06:14
I'll make another entry later 🫢
It's so hard on mobile- my pc will save me later lol

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kxmmvii [G3
Harlequin Elysian] (#325601)

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Posted on
2023-09-18 18:08:23
Alright! Nw! Take your time, this contest won't end for another 3-4 months anyway, so you may post as many times as you want and take as much time as you need <3

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!ExtremeRatParkour! (#253326)

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Posted on
2023-09-20 20:08:03 :)

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kxmmvii [G3
Harlequin Elysian] (#325601)

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Posted on
2023-09-21 04:36:05
Tysm added to the list <3

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Akami πŸ‰ (#432120)

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Posted on
2023-09-21 21:53:03

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Nyladam (#250572)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-09-24 12:23:04
I've updated all the links for my entries and added them all with the images here!

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry 5 New! (I think...)

That's all!

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kxmmvii [G3
Harlequin Elysian] (#325601)

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Posted on
2023-09-24 12:27:28
thank you! they've been added! ^^

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kxmmvii [G3
Harlequin Elysian] (#325601)

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Posted on
2023-09-24 12:31:57
Hello everyone! I'm thinking about ending the contest in maybe December! Or possibly November, if not it will most likely run on into February of next year. I love a lot of these designs so far, and thank all of you for joining! I'm still working on getting the rest of the prizes. Here's what I'm thinking...critique! I don't want the contest to end and to have you lose without knowing why. So I may start doing critiques on everyone's designs! This in term will give you more of what I'm looking for and will possibly help you make a better design! I will allow people to remove entries but please just message me what!

google doc.
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kxmmvii [G3
Harlequin Elysian] (#325601)

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Posted on
2023-09-24 14:32:14

For your first entry, I'm not a big fan of the rosette opacity, it seems too much for me and doesn't fit completely well with the rest of the design. The eyes I wish were different, like purple. I am also not a fan of the feralis in the back, it just a little out of place. Also would've loved to see decor. But I think the first design is cute! The second design was much better. The only things I would say the rosettes look a little out place and kinda trigger my trypophobia by a lot. Would still love to see more decor/BG. I love the eyes as well, they're very pretty! ^^ Good job!

First entry just looked really awkward in general. It doesn't really scream 'purple' to me, but even with that little purple on the chest it doesn't flow nicely with the rest of the design. Would've loved to see decor/BG. Second design was much better. Very much purple, which I like. The only critiques I have on it would be addition of decor/BG, and that the purple would maybe die down a little. I love purple, but it looks really 'heavy'. Good job!

I thought this was really cute, but the only critiques I have are more purple, and more rosette addition. Maybe more markings that stand out, and maybe different decor. The wings are a little extra. But good job!

WOW! First design was absolutely gorgeous. I love the sunset feel to it! Would've loved to see more purple in it, and maybe lower opacity on the rosette. But absolutely STUNNING! Top 5 for sure. Second design was also amazing! The decor was a little awkward and heavy but the markings were cool! I wasn't a big fan of the type of patches but it was still nice, and would've loved again to see more purple. Awesome job!

First design was a little too much for me and I'm actually not a fan of that female pose. It looked more blue than purple, and the decor was a little weird. The second design, I could barely see the pelt, but even so, it wasn't all that amazing. The colors were nice, would've just preferred something either lighter or more purple. Third design, was ok. I'm not a fan of female adolescent and the decors were very much off. The color scheme for the pelt was also off in and out of itself and again would've loved to see something different with purple. Fourth design was my favorite! Super cute, but not a fan of the wings or the expression! The purple is adorable though! Good job!

It's beautiful! I'm not a fan of the piebald, clouded just screams trypophobia for me, but it just looks super awkward! I love the color scheme though! Not much else to say, great job!

I wasn't a fan of the margay, it stood out too much and just didn't seem too purple to me. Didn't really like the overgrown tongue, and would've preferred more decor! That's all, good job!

A little too much interstellar, and the colors were really heavy. It didn't scream purple like I hoped. The patches aren't super cool, would've preferred a different patches, but either than that good job!

OMFG! I LOVE YOUR FIRST DESIGN! It screams beautiful, literally the only critique, more purple! I LOVE IT THOUGH! Second design was also pretty, but would've loved to see more purple rather than pink. But either than that, top 5! You did so good. Amazing job!

First design seemed more of a blue-ish purple, but I really thought it was cute. The rosette could've been a lower opacity, and the decor didn't really fit. The last of your designs were all not screaming purple to me, but more of pink and grey. Their decors aren't really fitting and eye-pleasing. But either than that, good job!

First two designs were too heavy in color and weren't eye-pleasing in terms of decor, would've loved to see lower opacities. Last two designs were lighter but seemed more blue. The rosettes could've been a lower opacity, and the decor just didn't fit. Good job!

Woah. First design was literally beautiful. Only critique, more purple markings. Second design was a little- off, too dark and wasn't really purple like I hoped, and the decor I didn't exactly like. But awesome job!

Very nice! The decor was just not super fitting, but the markings were super nice! Would've probably liked to see more purple. Good job!

The whole design overall made me think of an older woman. Maybe a wise woman. It didn't scream purple enough to me and would've loved to see more definition in color. Not too heavy though! The decor wasn't super pleasing, I'm not a big fan of that sort of decor just because the general design of the feathers don't fit. I'm in love with the background, but if I had to match the design to the background, it should be more of a sunset feel. But more purple! Good job!

I'm not a big fan of the rosette, just because it pops out too much compared to the entire design. I would've preferred more decor. I would've also loved to see more purple, because this entire design isn't really purple to me. It seems more brown, and I'm not a big fan of it. The other thing is, the piebald. That specific piebald is nice, just too common for me and seems too basic. Would love to see more decor. I also really love the eyes! Good job.

The whole design overall is too heavy for me, it's not purple like I would've hoped and the decor is too much for me to look at. I'm not a fan of that one light marking against a dark base, it just looks really weird to me. Again with the type of piebald, it's too common and plain for me and I'm not a fan of it. Good job.

First design wasn't super pleasing to me, it didn't scream purple like I wanted it to be, but I do really love that mane color. Second design was a bit better. Although it wasn't as purple as I expected either. It seems more teal and blue, with just small hints of purple. I do love the piebald though. Good job!

I'm not a fan of the decor, it doesn't really fit the dark lioness. The markings didn't add up to purple like I wanted it to be and seemed more dull than I liked. The rosettes blend nicely though. Would've loved to see more color though! Good job.

Somehow I can never spell fuchsia correctly...not important. But, very interesting design! I love how well you blended in the rosette so it doesn't completely stand out but it's also not invisible. I would've loved to see more purple though. The decor is also nice, but the pose scrunches the face up and I'm not a fan of it, super nice though! Great job!

The whole design was way too much for me and the colors seemed really heavy. I'm not a fan of the pose, nor do I like the decor, it just doesn't fit. I do like the background though. Either than that, good job.

Interesting design. I'm not a fan of how the yellow sticks out, it just looks super awkward. The colors seem more colorbomb, and would've preferred more purple. I would've loved if you toned down the opacity because everything seems so heavy. I do like the flower piece and the background. Second design was much better! Only things are that I don't really like the decor, the cat is cute. I love the background, and would prefer more purple. Good job!

I'm not a fan of that specific rosette, it's too heavy for me. The colors blended nicely though, but would've preferred more purple. The decor seems to 'punky' and it just looks really off. I'm not a big fan of the rocks and the background, and would've preferred something simpler. Good job.

I don't exactly like the color of the rosette. But I also don't like how much the patches take up. The wings look off and different from the entire design. I would've preferred more purple, but I love the background! Good job.

First design was just not purple enough. It seemed a little basic and would've liked decor/BG. Second design was absolutely stunning. If it was just purple it would be perfect! The last two were just too much for me. In terms of decor and opacity. The last one I would've just preferred purple and not red. But good job!

First design wasn't really purple and the decor didn't fit well with the entire design. I did really like the background. The second design was just way too much and very hectic. Not purple enough and I just don't really like July decor. Third is a little better, I'm still not a fan of Clouded Pie because of how it looks (trypophobia user). It wasn't purple like I preferred. The decor could've been nicer and the background could've been different. Fourth design, again, I don't like the Clouded Pie, the design could've been more purple and the background could've been different. Fifth design again, not purple like I want. And the decor doesn't really fit at all with the design. I do love the patches. Good job.

Wsp girlie. I love the purple design! Only critiques would be different markings. This was totally purple but not a fan of Tier 1 markings or Tier 2 markings. But great job!

Neither one of the designs really struck as purple to me. They were more red and grey and I wasn't a fan of it. The decors were really just off and it didn't fit well. Good job.

Again, that type of rosette isn't very much my thing. I'm not a fan of the pose, and while it is sort of purple, it kinda looks wonky in terms of style. Would've liked more decor. Good job.

Way too many interstellar markings! Again looks more blue than purple, and would've loved to see rosettes. The decor doesn't exactly fit and would probably look best with dark decor. No mutation, would've wanted to see a mutation. Good job.

First design was too much for me. It didn't exactly look purple enough and seemed more of a colorbomb statement. Second design was a little better but would want more purple and a lower opacity rosette. Third design, again a little too much colorbomb in my opinion. Could use more purple. All three designs I would've loved to see more decor. Good job!

Both designs could've been more purple. I'm not a fan of the decor nor do I like the pose. Could've gone for something lighter! That's all, good job.

@Addyson Erpenbach
Design wasn't purple and would've preferred it to be. The piebald was nice, but seemed not very fitting for the entire design. I wasn't a fan of the background and decor and would've preferred more fitting decor. Good job.

The design seemed more blue than purple and I'm not a fan of the pose. Could've seen lighter color and more purple. Different decors as well! But good job.

I do not like male form for a King. I would've preferred both to be either adolescent or posed as female. Both weren't purple as I hoped and decors could've been different/added. Not a fan of either of those pies/patches and would've preferred something different. Good job.

First design was super cute. Though I would ask for more purple, lighter shades. And possibly different decor. Second design was much nicer. If the second was more purple I would've liked it even more! Different decor possibly for that as well. Good job!

The entire design was just too much for me. Was more blue than purple and would prefer more purple. I didn't really like the decor at all and it just looked like too much. That's all, good job!

I don't like the white spots, triggering again (trypophobia). I'm not in love with the pose nor the decors. It wasn't purple like I wanted it to be and would've preferred different. Good job.

The entire design wasn't purple enough for me and would've preferred it to be. I didn't like the type of patches and would've preferred something else. Could've added more decor and a different background. Good job.

Really pretty design, I love the background truly! If the blue turned to purple I would've loved it 10x more. I also would've loved to see rosettes. The patches I'm truly in love with! Would've maybe liked to see different decor! Good job!

When more entries are added I will definitely add more critiques.

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Edited on 25/09/23 @ 10:09:30 by kxmmvii [G3 Cracked Elysian] (#325601)

Scout [G1 9BO Ennedi
Nun] (#432058)

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Posted on
2023-09-24 15:22:16
Updated my second entry to be less blue! (Idk if it counts as a third entry or not)

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