Posted by sara's crb project

🕷️ syn [g1
x2ros x10seal] (#91070)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-09-06 06:07:57
Restarting my crb project completely, and will slowly grow it from the ground up. Any previous crb batches I have done in the past will not be counted as progress towards this.

crb cavegroup projectmutation guide

Leopon OR Overgrown Fur OR Tigon† ➜ Patches/Piebald† ➜ GMO Cow/Lion Meat ➜ Cotton Root Bark ➜ Fertility/Natural Chance ➜ Lion Scrotum ➜ Primal ➜ Dorsal Fur† ➜ Tigon Boost* ➜ Mukombero ➜ Dorsal Fur Guarantee*

✂ ----------------------------------------------- --- -- - -


. CRB batches will most likely be done in groups of 10 or 20 for now. When I have more GB and space I will do larger batches.
. Once I'm a decent way into this project, I will be making a giveaway place for mutations produced here. For now I will either sell them for funds for this project, or give them away to love the lethals (group project clan).
. I will be using my king, who I made a g1 primal in preparation for this project.



Starting date: 09.09.23
Total CRBs bred since starting: 114

Total cubs produced: 176
Total cubs mutated: 34
---- Total rare mutations (lethal, du, hybrid): 1

✂ ----------------------------------------------- --- -- - -

Mutation Checklist

Primal passed... 3
↪ Primal Fangs _________0
↪ Primal (Felis) _________0
↪ Primal (Smilus) _______1

Adult Mutation Present [AMPs]... 14
↪ Mane Feathery _______0
↪ Mane Fluffy ___________0
↪ Mane Frizzy __________0
↪ Mane Fuzzy __________0
↪ Mane Ruffled _________0
↪ Mane Scruffy _________1
↪ Mane Shaggy _________0
↪ Mane Silky ___________0
↪ Mane Villious _________0
↪ Mane Whiskered _____0
↪ Mane Imperial _______0
↪ Maneless _____________0
↪ OG Claws _____________0
↪ OG Teeth _____________0
↪ OG Tongue ___________0
↪ Double Uterus ________0

Achromia ________________5
Melanism ________________0
Bobbed tail ______________5
Blind _____________________1
Folded Ears ______________3
Polycaudal _______________1
Clawless _________________0
Eyeless __________________0
Lethals... 1
↪ Cleft Palate _____________1
↪ Conjoined Cubs ________0
↪ Cyclopia _______________0
↪ Extra Limbs ___________0
↪ Harlequin Ichtyosis ___0
↪ Lipomatosis __________0
↪ Sirenomelia __________0
↪ Two Heads ___________0
↪ Sirenomelia __________0
↪ Deaf _________________0

Hybrids... 0
↪ Leopon (First gen) ____0
↪ Tigon (First gen) ______0

✂ ----------------------------------------------- --- -- - -

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Edited on 30/11/23 @ 20:38:03 by saraphena [g1 tri 1k+ wepwa] (#91070)

🕷️ syn [g1
x2ros x10seal] (#91070)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-09-09 23:13:27
Batch 1
Date of breeding: 09.09.23
Cubs born on: 09.12.23
CRBs bred: 10
Special items used?: GMO Cow x3, Lion Meat x1
Number of cubs born: 14
↪ Mutations: 1 amp, 1 bobbed tail, 1 blind, and a cleft palate!!
↪ Other notable cubs: 1 mottled rosette

Batch 2
Date of breeding: 09.10.23
Cubs born on: 09.13.23
CRBs bred: 4 (bred on a whim but still counting them)
Special items used?: N/A
Number of cubs born: 7
↪ Mutations: 1 folded ears, 1 primal
↪ Other notable cubs: none

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Edited on 14/09/23 @ 00:08:26 by saraphena [g1 tri 1k+ wepwa] (#91070)

🕷️ syn [g1
x2ros x10seal] (#91070)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-11-24 18:04:21
Batch 3
Date of breeding: 11.27.23
Cubs born on: 11.30.23
CRBs bred: 100 (50/50 split between accounts)
Special items used?: N/A
Number of cubs born: 155
↪ Mutations: 13 amps, 5 achromia, 4 bobbed tail, 2 folded ears, 2 primal, 1 polycaudal, 1 smilus
↪ Other notable cubs: 2 nhr, 1 mr, 1 wepwawet, 1 random goridhe shaded rosette

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Edited on 30/11/23 @ 20:37:31 by saraphena [g1 tri 1k+ wepwa] (#91070)

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